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Web Crawler


This web crawler crawls a given website and generates a report for all the internal and external links found during the crawl.

Repository mirrors


  • Go: A minimum version of Go 1.23.0 is required for building/installing the web crawler. Please go here to download the latest version.

Build the application

Clone this repository to your local machine.

git clone https://github.com/dananglin/web-crawler.git

Build the application.

  • Build with go
    go build -o crawler .
  • Or build with mage if you have it installed.
    mage build

Run the application

Run the application specifying the website that you want to crawl.


./crawler [FLAGS] URL


  • Crawl the Crawler Test Site.
    ./crawler https://crawler-test.com
  • Crawl the site using 3 concurrent workers and stop the crawl after discovering a maximum of 100 unique pages.
    ./crawler --max-workers 3 --max-pages 100 https://crawler-test.com
  • Crawl the site and print out a CSV report.
    ./crawler --max-workers 3 --max-pages 100 --format csv https://crawler-test.com
  • Crawl the site and save the report to a CSV file.
    mkdir -p reports
    ./crawler --max-workers 3 --max-pages 100 --format csv --file reports/report.csv https://crawler-test.com


You can configure the application with the following flags.

Name Description Default
max-workers The maximum number of concurrent workers. 2
max-pages The maximum number of pages the crawler can discoverd before stopping the crawl. 10
format The format of the generated report.
Currently supports text and csv.
file The file to save the generated report to.
Leave this empty to print to the screen instead.