
234 lines
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SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Dan Anglin <d.n.i.anglin@gmail.com>
SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
# User Manual
## Version
### Print the application version
View the application's version and build information
enbas version --full
| flag | type | required | description | default |
| `full` | boolean | false | Prints the full build information. | false |
## Authentication
### Logging into an account
Log into your GoToSocial account. You can run this multiple times to log into multiple accounts.
enbas login --instance gts.enbas-demo.private
| flag | type | required | description | default |
| `instance` | string | true | The instance that you wan to log into. | |
### Switch between accounts
Switch between your logged in accounts.
enbas switch --to account --account-name vincent@gts.enbas-demo.private
| flag | type | required | description | default |
| `to` | string | true | The resource you want to switch to. In this case you want `account`. | |
| `account-name` | string | true | The name of the account you want to switch to. | |
### See the account that you are currently logged in as
enbas whoami
## Accounts
### View your own account
Print the information of your own account.
enbas show --type account --my-account
| flag | type | required | description | default |
| `type` | string | true | The resource you want to view. In this case you want `account`. | |
| `my-account` | boolean | true | Use this flag to view your own account. | |
| `show-preferences` | boolean | false | Show your posting preferences. | false |
### View an account
Print the information of a local or a remote account. If the account is unknown by your instance a `404` message
will be returned.
enbas show --type account --account-name @name@example.social
| flag | type | required | description | default |
| `type` | string | true | The resource you want to view. In this case you want `account`. | |
| `account-name` | string | true | The name of the account to view. | |
| `skip-relationship` | boolean | false | Set to `true` to skip viewing your relationship to the account you are viewing. | false |
### Follow an account
Send a follow request to the account you want to follow.
enbas follow --type account --account-name @name@example.social
| flag | type | required | description | default |
| `type` | string | true | The resource you want to follow. In this case you want `account`. | |
| `account-name` | string | true | The name of the account to follow. | |
| `show-reposts` | boolean | false | Show reposts from the account you want to follow. | true |
| `notify` | boolean | false | Get notifications when the account you want to follow posts a status. | false |
### Unfollow an account
Unfollow the account that you are following. If you have a pending follow request to the account
in question, unfollowing will remove the follow request.
enbas unfollow --type account --account-name @name@example.social
| flag | type | required | description | default |
| `type` | string | true | The resource you want to unfollow. In this case you want `account`. | |
| `account-name` | string | true | The name of the account to unfollow. | |
### Block an account
enbas block --type account --account-name @name@example.social
| flag | type | required | description | default |
| `type` | string | true | The resource you want to block. In this case you want `account`. | |
| `account-name` | string | true | The name of the account to block. | |
### Unblock an account
enbas unblock --type account --account-name @name@example.social
| flag | type | required | description | default |
| `type` | string | true | The resource you want to unblock. In this case you want `account`. | |
| `account-name` | string | true | The name of the account to unblock. | |
### View blocked accounts
Print a list of accounts that you are currently blocking.
enbas show --type blocked
| flag | type | required | description | default |
| `type` | string | true | The resource you want to view. In this case you want `blocked` for blocked accounts. | |
| `limit` | integer | false | The maximum number of accounts to list. | 20 |
### Mute an account
enbas mute --type account --account-name @name@example.social --mute-notifications --mute-duration="1h"
| flag | type | required | description | default |
| `type` | string | true | The resource you want to mute. In this case you want `account`. | |
| `account-name` | string | true | The name of the account to mute. | |
| `mute-notifications` | boolean | false | Set to `true` to mute notifications as well as statuses. | false |
| `mute-duration` | string | false | Specify how long the account should be muted for. Set to `0s` to mute indefinitely | 0s (indefinitely) |
### Unmute an account
enbas unmute --type account --account-name @name@example.social
| flag | type | required | description | default |
| `type` | string | true | The resource you want to unmute. In this case you want `account`. | |
| `account-name` | string | true | The name of the account to unmute. | |
### View muted accounts
Print a list of accounts that you have muted.
enbas show --type muted-accounts
| flag | type | required | description | default |
| `type` | string | true | The resource you want to view. In this case you want `muted-accounts`. | |
| `limit` | integer | false | The maximum number of accounts to list. | 20 |
## Statuses
### View a status
### Create a status
### Create a status with a poll
### Delete a status
_Not yet implemented_
### Boost (Reblog) a status
To boost a status you simply add a 'boost' to it.
### Un-boost (Un-reblog) a status
To un-boost a status that you've boosted you simply remove the 'boost' from it.
### Like/Star/Favourite a status
## Polls
### View a poll
### Vote in a poll
## Timelines
## Lists
### Create a list
### Edit a list
### Delete a list
### Add an account to a list
### Remove an account from a list
## Bookmarks
### Add a status to your bookmarks
### Remove a status from your bookmarks