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User Manual


Print the application version

View the application's version and build information

enbas version --full
flag type required description default
full boolean false Prints the full build information. false


Logging into an account

Log into your GoToSocial account. You can run this multiple times to log into multiple accounts.

enbas login --instance gts.enbas-demo.private
flag type required description default
instance string true The instance that you wan to log into.

Switch between accounts

Switch between your logged in accounts.

enbas switch --to account --account-name vincent@gts.enbas-demo.private
flag required description default
to true the resource you want to switch to. in this case you want account.
account-name true the name of the account you want to switch to

See the account that you are currently logged in as

enbas whoami


View an account

Follow an account

Unfollow an account

Block an account

Unblock an account

Mute an account

Unmute an account


View a status

Create a status

Create a status with a poll

Delete a status

Not yet implemented

Boost (Reblog) a status

To boost a status you simply add a 'boost' to it.

Un-boost (Un-reblog) a status

To un-boost a status that you've boosted you simply remove the 'boost' from it.

Like/Star/Favourite a status


View a poll

Vote in a poll



Create a list

Edit a list

Delete a list

Add an account to a list

Remove an account from a list


Add a status to your bookmarks

Remove a status from your bookmarks