2024-07-02 21:31:47 +01:00

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User Manual

Table of Contents


Print the application version

View the application's version and build information

enbas version --full
flag type required description default
full boolean false Prints the full build information. false


Logging into an account

Log into your GoToSocial account. You can run this multiple times to log into multiple accounts.

enbas login --instance gts.enbas-demo.private
flag type required description default
instance string true The instance that you wan to log into.

Switch between accounts

Switch between your logged in accounts.

enbas switch --to account --account-name vincent@gts.enbas-demo.private
flag type required description default
to string true The resource you want to switch to. In this case you want account.
account-name string true The name of the account you want to switch to.

See the account that you are currently logged in as

enbas whoami


View your own account

Print the information of your own account.

enbas show --type account --my-account
flag type required description default
type string true The resource you want to view. In this case you want account.
my-account boolean true Use this flag to view your own account.
show-preferences boolean false Show your posting preferences. false

View an account

Prints the information of a local or a remote account. If the account is unknown by your instance a 404 message will be returned.

enbas show --type account --account-name @name@example.social
flag type required description default
type string true The resource you want to view. In this case you want account.
account-name string true The name of the account to view.
skip-relationship boolean false Set to true to skip viewing your relationship to the account you are viewing. false

Follow an account

Send a follow request to the account you want to follow.

enbas follow --type account --account-name @name@example.social
flag type required description default
type string true The resource you want to follow. In this case you want account.
account-name string true The name of the account to follow.
show-reposts boolean false Show reposts from the account you want to follow. true
notify boolean false Get notifications when the account you want to follow posts a status. false

Unfollow an account

Unfollow the account that you are currently following. If you have a follow request pending for the account in question, performing an unfollow action will remove said follow request.

enbas unfollow --type account --account-name @name@example.social
flag type required description default
type string true The resource you want to unfollow. In this case you want account.
account-name string true The name of the account to unfollow.

Block an account

enbas block --type account --account-name @name@example.social
flag type required description default
type string true The resource you want to block. In this case you want account.
account-name string true The name of the account to block.

Unblock an account

enbas unblock --type account --account-name @name@example.social
flag type required description default
type string true The resource you want to unblock. In this case you want account.
account-name string true The name of the account to unblock.

View blocked accounts

Prints a list of accounts that you are currently blocking.

enbas show --type blocked
flag type required description default
type string true The resource you want to view.
Here this should be blocked for blocked accounts.
limit integer false The maximum number of accounts to list. 20

Mute an account

enbas mute --type account --account-name @name@example.social --mute-notifications --mute-duration="1h"
flag type required description default
type string true The resource you want to mute.
Here this should be account.
account-name string true The name of the account to mute.
mute-notifications boolean false Set to true to mute notifications as well as statuses. false
mute-duration string false Specify how long the account should be muted for.
Set to 0s to mute indefinitely
0s (indefinitely)

Unmute an account

enbas unmute --type account --account-name @name@example.social 
flag type required description default
type string true The resource you want to unmute.
Here this should be account.
account-name string true The name of the account to unmute.

View muted accounts

Prints a list of accounts that you have muted.

enbas show --type muted-accounts
flag type required description default
type string true The resource you want to view.
Here this should be muted-accounts.
limit integer false The maximum number of accounts to list. 20


View a status

Create a status

  • Create a one line status
  • Create a status from a file
  • Create a status with a poll

Delete a status

Not yet implemented

Boost (Repost) a status

To boost a status you simply add a boost to it.

Un-boost (Un-repost) a status

To un-boost a status that you've boosted you simply remove the boost from it.

Like a status

To like (favourite) a status you simply add a like or a star to it.

Unlike a status

To unlike (un-favourite) a status that you've previously liked you simply remove the like or star from it.


View a poll

Vote in a poll



Create a list

enbas create --type list --list-title "My Favourite People" --list-replies-policy list
flag type required description default
type string true The resource you want to create.
Here this should be list.
list-title string true The title of the list that you want to create.
list-replies-policy string false The policy of the replies for this list.
Valid values are followed, list and none.

View a list of your lists

enbas show --type list
flag type required description default
type string true The resource you want to view.
Here this should be list.

View a specific list

Prints the information of the specified list to screen along with all the accounts added to it (if any).

enbas show --type list --list-id 01J1T9DWR20DC36QWZFKHWZJ3H
flag type required description default
type string true The resource you want to view.
Here this should be list.
list-id string false The ID of the list you want to view. If this is not specified then a list of your lists will be printed instead.

Edit a list

Edits the title and/or the replies policy of a list.

enbas edit --type list --list-id 01J1T9DWR20DC36QWZFKHWZJ3H --list-title "My Favourite People (in the world)"
flag type required description default
type string true The resource you want to edit.
Here this should be list.
list-title string false The title of the list that you want to edit.
list-replies-policy string false The policy of the replies for this list that you want to change to.
Valid values are followed, list and none.

Delete a list

Deletes a list.

enbas delete --type list --list-id 01J1T9DWR20DC36QWZFKHWZJ3H
flag type required description default
type string true The resource you want to delete.
Here this should be list.
list-id string true The ID of the list you want to delete.

Add accounts to a list

Adds one or more accounts to a list.

enbas add --type account --account-name @name@example.social --account-name @person@mastodon.example --to list --list-id 01J1T9DWR20DC36QWZFKHWZJ3H
flag type required description default
type string true The resource you want to add.
Here this should be account.
account-name string true The name of the account you want to add to the list.
Use multiple times to specify multiple accounts.
to string true The resource you want to add the accounts to.
Here this should be list.
list-id string true The ID of the list that you want to add the accounts to.

Remove accounts from a list

Removes one or more accounts from a list.

enbas remove --type account --account-name @person@mastodon.example --from list --list-id 01J1T9DWR20DC36QWZFKHWZJ3H
flag type required description default
type string true The resource you want to add.
Here this should be account.
account-name string true The name of the account you want to remove from the list.
Use multiple times to specify multiple accounts.
to string true The resource you want to remove the accounts from.
Here this should be list.
list-id string true The ID of the list that you want to remove the accounts from.


View your bookmarks

Prints a list of statuses that you have bookmarked.

enbas show --type bookmarks
flag type required description default
type string true The resource you want to view.
Here this should be bookmarks.
limit integer false The maximum number of bookmarks to show. 20

Add a status to your bookmarks

enbas add --type status --status-id 01J17FH1KD9CN6J9Q01011NE0D --to bookmarks
flag type required description default
type string true The resource you want to add.
Here this should be status.
status-id string true The ID of the status.
to string true The resource you want to add the status to.
Here this should be bookmarks.

Remove a status from your bookmarks

enbas remove --type status --status-id 01J17FH1KD9CN6J9Q01011NE0D --from bookmarks
flag type required description default
type string true The resource you want to remove.
Here this should be status.
status-id string true The ID of the status.
from string true The resource you want to remove the status to.
Here this should be bookmarks.