fix: explicitly and completely disable mouse support

This commit is contained in:
Dan Anglin 2022-10-07 00:54:33 +01:00
parent 0cdfd34b7f
commit 41c8ebf27e
Signed by: dananglin
GPG key ID: 0C1D44CFBEE68638

View file

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ set.incsearch = true -- set incremental searching.
set.expandtab = true -- turn tabs into spaces
set.tabstop = 2 -- number of spaces per tab
set.softtabstop = 2 -- number of spaces per tab while editing
set.shiftwidth = 2 -- specifies the amount of whitespaces to insert/remove using indentation commands in normal mode.
set.shiftwidth = 2 -- specifies the amount of white spaces to insert/remove using indentation commands in normal mode.
-- File format and encoding
set.fileformat = "unix"
@ -42,15 +42,16 @@ cmd "colorscheme tokyonight-night"
-- UI and UX
set.number = true -- enable line numbers
set.relativenumber = true -- enable releative line numbers
set.relativenumber = true -- enable relative line numbers
set.lazyredraw = true -- do not redraw screen when executing macros, registers, etc that have not been typed
set.splitright = true -- split vertical windows to the right
set.splitbelow = true -- split horizontal windows below
set.confirm = true -- raise a dialogue to confirm if you wish to save a file before continuing.
set.cmdheight = 2 -- set the height of the command window to 2 lines.
set.modelines = 5 -- the first 5 lines are checked for modelines.
set.modelines = 5 -- the first 5 lines are checked for mode lines.
set.cursorline = true -- highlight the line that the cursor is on
set.smartindent = true -- smart autoidenting
set.smartindent = true -- smart auto-identing
set.mouse = "" -- completely disable mouse support :<
set.scrolloff = 5
set.signcolumn = "number"
set.completeopt = "longest,menuone"