# If not running interactively, don't do anything [[ $- != *i* ]] && return # Environment section ## Session Paths - These will be added to PATH {{- range $sessionPath := .BashProfile.SessionPaths -}} {{- $fullPath := printf "%s/%s" (env "HOME") $sessionPath.Path -}} {{ print "" }} {{ print "" }} ### Add {{ $sessionPath.Description }} to PATH if ! [[ "${PATH}" =~ {{ $fullPath }} ]]; then export PATH={{ $fullPath}}:${PATH} fi {{- end -}} {{ print "" }} {{ print "" }} ## XDG Directories {{ print "" }} {{- range $key, $value := .BashProfile.XdgDirectories -}} {{ print "" }} export {{ $key }}="{{ $value }}" {{- end -}} {{ print "" }} {{ print "" }} ## Extra Environment variables {{ print "" }} {{- range $key, $value := .BashProfile.EnvironmentVariables -}} {{ print "" }} export {{ $key }}="{{ $value }}" {{- end -}} {{ print "" }} {{ print "" }} # Aliases {{ print "" }} {{- range $key, $value := .BashProfile.Aliases -}} {{ print "" }} alias {{ $key }}="{{ $value }}" {{- end -}} {{ print "" }} {{ print "" }} # Bash Prompt HOSTNAME_BG="$(tput setab 68)" GREY_BG="$(tput setab 240)" RESET="$(tput sgr0)" FILEPATH_TC="$(tput setaf 81)" WHITE_TC="$(tput setaf 255)" PS1='${HOSTNAME_BG}${WHITE_TC}\033[1m \H ${GREY_BG} \u • ${FILEPATH_TC}\w ${RESET}\n\$ ' PS2=" -> " # Commands {{ print "" }} {{- range $command := .BashProfile.Commands -}} {{ print "" }} ## {{ $command.Description }} {{ $command.Command }} {{- end -}}