/* theme-title: Night Owl theme-description: The Night Owl CSS theme for Free Flow. */ /* -- Background Image -- The background image is called 'Photo of Starry Night' which you can download from Pexels here: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-starry-night-1421903/ */ /* -- Font -- Karla can be found in found in Google Fonts here: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Karla */ :root { --night-owl-bg: #0d0e0fd9; --night-owl-text: #c1c1e7; --night-owl-link-default-fg: #5198c6; --night-owl-link-hover-fg: #9eecf7; --night-owl-light-purple: #3d46b9; --night-owl-dark-purple: #222333; --night-owl-green: #1fdaa0; --night-owl-button-light: var(--night-owl-green); --night-owl-button-dark: #000910; --avatar-border: var(--night-owl-dark-purple); --status-header-background: linear-gradient(#545454, 5%, #0E0E0E); } @font-face { font-family: "Karla"; src: url("/assets/fonts/Karla-VariableFont_wght.ttf") format("truetype"); } html, body { scrollbar-color: var(--night-owl-light-purple) var(--night-owl-dark-purple); } .page { background-image: url("/assets/background.jpg"); background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; font-family: "Karla", sans-serif; font-weight: 400; font-size: 16px; } .profile .profile-header { background: linear-gradient(#6d9fef, 30%, #000000); } .profile .col-header { background: var(--status-header-background); } .thread .col-header { background: var(--status-header-background); border: none; } .profile .column-split { gap: 1rem; } .profile .about-user .fields .field:first-child { border-top: none; } .profile .about-user .fields .field { padding: 0.5rem; border-style: none none dotted none; border-width: 0.1rem; } .profile .about-user .fields { word-wrap: break-word; } .profile .about-user .fields, .profile .about-user .bio, .profile .about-user .accountstats, .status, .status .status-info, .status.expanded, .status.expanded .status-info { background: var(--night-owl-bg); } .status { border: none; } .role.admin { border: none !important; color: var(--night-owl-green) !important; background-color: transparent !important; } a:link, a:visited { color: var(--night-owl-link-default-fg); text-decoration: none; } a:hover, a:active { color: var(--night-owl-link-hover-fg); } .button { background-color: var(--night-owl-button-dark); color: var(--night-owl-button-light); border: none; box-shadow: none; transition: 0.5s } .button:hover { background-color: var(--night-owl-button-light); color: var(--night-owl-button-dark); transition: 0.5s }