\version [final] % set main language to English \mainlanguage [en] % set paper size to A4 \setuppapersize [A4] % define the page layout \setuplayout [backspace=20mm, bottomspace=20mm, cutspace=0mm, footer=0mm, header=0mm, height=middle, topspace=10mm, width=middle] % \showframe % remove page numbers by setting an empty location \setuppagenumbering[location=] % Colour definitions for headings \definecolor [bluetheme][h=1155cc] \definecolor [greytheme][h=434343] % Font setup % https://wiki.contextgarden.net/Simplefonts \definefontfamily [cvfontfamily][rm][LiberationSerif] \definefontfamily [cvfontfamily][ss][Carlito] \definefontfamily [cvfontfamily][tt][LiberationMono] \definefontfamily [cvfontfamily][mm][LibertinusMath] \setupbodyfont [cvfontfamily,ss,10pt] % define the font scaling when using commands such as \tfa, \tfb, etc \definebodyfontenvironment [10pt][a=11pt,b=20pt,c=32pt] % cvtitle outputs the title of the CV % arguments: % #1 - name: name of the individual % #2 - role: job role of the individual \define[2]\cvtitle{ {\bfc#1}\blank[small]{\tfb#2} } % jobsection outputs the summary of a work experience % arguments: % #1 - company: the company where the work experience took place % #2 - location: the location of the work experience % #3 - role: the role of the work experience % #4 - duration: the duration of the work experience (e.g. March, 2017 - April, 2018) \define[4]\jobsection{ {\bfa#1,} {\tfa#2} — {\tfa\em#3}\blank[small]\color[greytheme]{#4}\blank[line] } \definehead [skillssection][subsection] \setuphead [section][color=bluetheme] \setuphead [skillssection][color=black] \setuphead [section, skillssection][number=no, align=right, style=\bfa] % setup the format of items (bullet points) \setupitemize [1] [packed] [align=right, symbol=1, margin=no, distance=1mm] % defineparagraphs and setupparagraphs allows us to create custom % columns. Here we define and configure a paragraph environment for the CV title % and contact columns. % https://wiki.contextgarden.net/Command/defineparagraphs % https://wiki.contextgarden.net/Command/setupparagraphs \defineparagraphs[titleAndContact][n=2,after={\blank}] \setupparagraphs [titleAndContact][1][width=0.6\textwidth] \setupparagraphs [titleAndContact][2][width=0.4\textwidth] % use Interaction to create hyperlinks to external profiles \setupinteraction [state=start, color=bluetheme, click=]