Dan Anglin c53978cd91
feat: add a field for location type, code refactor
- feat: add a field for the type of work location (e.g. hybrid)
- refactor: move the Tex and PDF generating code to a new internal
  package which also moves the templates there as well.
- fix: add a default value for the --output field for the generate
- fix: add an error for when the user does not specify an input file
  when generating the PDF.
- fix: the package name for each of the files in the templateFuncs
2023-08-15 17:25:00 +01:00

155 lines
4.4 KiB

"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"jobTitle": "Software Engineer",
"contact": {
"Email": "john.smith@example.io",
"Phone": "07123 456 789",
"Location": "England, UK"
"links": {
"LinkedIn": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-smith-2YASMKJMP",
"GitHub": "https://github.com/johnsmith-example-gh"
"summary": [
"Rem quia eveniet sit, quis asperiores ea sed repellat non molestias aut accusamus aliquid et dolorem.",
"Natus modi culpa at vel officiis debitis fuga delectus, quo pariatur dicta eum molestiae et, sed maxime delectus quasi enim quasi alias quibusdam.",
"Facere sequi tempora voluptates maxime velit explicabo sed."
"skills": [
"category": "Programming Languages",
"values": [ "Go", "Python", "Javascript", "Typescript" ]
"category": "Databases",
"values": [ "PostgreSQL", "MySQL", "Redis" ]
"category": "Containerisation",
"values": [ "Docker", "Kubernetes", "LXC/LXD"]
"category": "Cloud Technologies",
"values": [ "AWS" ]
"category": "Other",
"values": [ "Distributed Systems", "Agile", "Debugging", "Documentation" ]
"employment": [
"company": "Company C",
"location": "Manchester",
"locationType": "Remote",
"jobTitle": "Software Engineer (Cloud Platform)",
"duration": {
"start": {
"year": 2020,
"month": 4,
"day": 5
"present": true
"details": [
"Est doloremque molestiae ipsum id occaecati porro repudiandae corporis.",
"Qui fugiat qui et quisquam.",
"Sed excepturi perferendis eius Amet mollitia tenetur voluptatum deserunt."
"company": "Company B",
"location": "London",
"locationType": "Hybrid",
"jobTitle": "Software Engineer (Backend)",
"duration": {
"start": {
"year": 2015,
"month": 9,
"day": 3
"end": {
"year": 2021,
"month": 8,
"day": 2
"details": [
"Et ipsum odio voluptate molestiae odio iusto.",
"Libero quisquam molestiae velit facilis quo. Occaecati non exercitationem aut.",
"Laborum laboriosam sapiente quis beatae provident consequuntur."
"company": "Company A",
"location": "London",
"locationType": "On-site",
"jobTitle": "Software Engineer (Backend)",
"duration": {
"start": {
"year": 2010,
"month": 9,
"day": 3
"end": {
"year": 2015,
"month": 9,
"day": 17
"details": [
"Voluptatem tempora omnis velit et magnam sunt.",
"Animi et sed nostrum, inventore debitis, quia voluptates dolor cum tempore vero commodi.",
"Distinctio sequi commodi debitis enim voluptas ex ipsum."
"company": "Engineering Department, Example University",
"location": "London",
"locationType": "On-site",
"jobTitle": "Research and Development Assistant",
"duration": {
"start": {
"year": 2009,
"month": 11,
"day": 13
"end": {
"year": 2010,
"month": 7,
"day": 30
"details": [
"Harum voluptas labore impedit itaque animi repellendus dolorem, Impedit error esse hic at ea ut ab ipsam.",
"Repudiandae sed architecto quia temporibus eum corrupti.",
"Est libero consectetur laborum possimus, Deserunt ea pariatur quia veniam expedita facilis quis."
"education": [
"school": "Example University",
"location": "London",
"qualification": "BSc (Hons) in Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence, 1st Class",
"duration": {
"start": {
"year": 2007,
"month": 10,
"day": 4
"end": {
"year": 2010,
"month": 7,
"day": 30
"interests": [
"Consequatur quae dolores repellat velit voluptas, et Quod accusantium sit temporibus quam voluptas magni.",
"Officia numquam accusantium vel eaque est eligendi voluptates nulla est similique et ratione consequatur.",
"Expedita modi voluptatem voluptatibus quis sit qui aut."