= JSON schema reference NOTE: This page was auto-generated with spruce-docgen. == CV A short written summary of your skills, achievements and experiences in relation to your role. [%header,cols=3*] |=== |Field |Type |Description |contact |map(string) |Your contact information. You can use any key/value pairs here. |education |list(<>) |A list of your education experiences. |employment |list(<>) |A list of your work experiences. |firstName |string |Your first name(s). |interests |list(string) |A list of sentences summarising your interests and hobbies. |jobTitle |string |Your current job title. |lastName |string |Your last name. |links |map(string) |URLs to your online presence such as GitHub or your website. You can use any key/value pairs here. |skills |list(<>) |A categorised list of your skills. |summary |list(string) |A list of sentences summarising your skills, experiences and what you'd like to achieve in the near future. |=== === Date [%header,cols=3*] |=== |Field |Type |Description |day |integer |The day of the month. |month |integer |The numerical value of the month (e.g. 5 for May). |year |integer |The year (e.g. 2023). |=== === Duration [%header,cols=3*] |=== |Field |Type |Description |end |<> |The end date of the experience. |present |boolean |Specifies whether you are currently employed or studying at the specified company or educational institute. |start |<> |The start date of the experience. |=== === Experience [%header,cols=3*] |=== |Field |Type |Description |company |string |The company where your work experience took place. |details |list(string) |Further details of the experience (e.g. achievements, daily responsibilities, etc). |duration |<> |The duration of the experience. |jobTitle |string |The job title of your experience. |location |string |The location where the experience was based. |locationType |string |The location type of your work experience (e.g. Remote, Hybrid, On-site). |qualification |string |The qualifications gained from this educational experience. |school |string |The school or university where you have studied. |=== === Skills [%header,cols=3*] |=== |Field |Type |Description |category |string |The skills category. |values |list(string) |The skills listed in this category. |===