# CV Builder ## Overview This project parses a CV, written in JSON and generates it as a PDF document. The PDF generation is completed in two steps: 1. The application parses the JSON document and generates a TEX file using the TEX template files located in the [templates](./templates) directory. 2. The application then uses ConTeXt to generate the final PDF document from the generated TEX file. ## Dependencies If you are interested in generating your own CV, then below is a list of dependencies that you'll need to install: - **Go:** Please go [here](https://go.dev/dl/) to download the latest version of the Go programming language. - **ConTeXt:** You can go to the [installation page](https://wiki.contextgarden.net/Installation) to find out how to install ConTeXt for your Operating System. - **The Carlito font (ttf-carlito):** In previous iterations of my CV I used the Calibri font. Carlito is the free, metric compatible alternative to this and is specified in the TEX template. - For Ubuntu/Debian installation you can use `apt`: ```bash $ apt install font-crosextra-carlito ``` - For Arch Linux you can use `pacman`: ```bash $ pacman -S ttf-carlito ``` - Alternatively you can download the font from https://fontlibrary.org/en/font/carlito - Once this font is installed you'll need to update ConTeXt so it can find the font when generating the PDF: ```bash $ OSFONTDIR=/usr/share/fonts $ mtxrun --script fonts --reload ``` ## Generating the example PDF Document You can generate a PDF from the example CV by running the following command: ```bash $ go run . --input example/cv.json ``` This will create a file called `cv.pdf` which you can view in your favourite PDF viewer. ## Inspirations - [The Markdown Resume](https://mszep.github.io/pandoc_resume/) - This project uses ConTeXt and pandoc to convert Markdown based CVs into multiple formats including PDF, HTML and DOCX. This is where I discovered ConTeXt. - [melkir/resume](https://github.com/melkir/resume) - This project generates CVs using Go and LaTeX.