package ui import ( "fmt" "" ) func (a *App) inputCapture() func(event *tcell.EventKey) *tcell.EventKey { return func(event *tcell.EventKey) *tcell.EventKey { key, character := event.Key(), event.Rune() switch { case character == 'h' || key == tcell.KeyLeft: a.shiftColumnFocus(previous) case character == 'l' || key == tcell.KeyRight: a.shiftColumnFocus(next) case character == 'c': a.create() case character == 'm': a.move() case character == 'e': a.edit() case character == 'b': a.updateBoardMode(boardEdit) case key == tcell.KeyCtrlD: a.delete() case key == tcell.KeyCtrlQ: a.quit() case key == tcell.KeyESC: a.escape() case key == tcell.KeyEnter: a.selected() } return event } } func (a *App) create() { if a.mode == normal { a.cardForm.mode = create a.cardForm.updateInputFields("", "") a.cardForm.frame.SetTitle(" Create Card ") a.pages.ShowPage(cardFormPage) a.SetFocus(a.cardForm) } } func (a *App) move() { if a.mode == normal { a.statusSelection.cardID = a.focusedCardID() a.statusSelection.currentStatusID = a.focusedStatusID() a.updateBoardMode(selection) } } func (a *App) edit() { switch a.mode { case normal: a.cardForm.mode = edit card, ok := a.getFocusedCard() if !ok { return } a.cardForm.updateInputFields(card.Title, card.Description) a.cardForm.frame.SetTitle(" Edit Card ") a.pages.ShowPage(cardFormPage) a.SetFocus(a.cardForm) case boardEdit: statusName := a.focusedStatusName() a.statusForm.updateInputFields(statusName) a.statusForm.frame.SetTitle(" Edit Status Name ") a.pages.ShowPage(statusFormPage) a.SetFocus(a.statusForm) } } func (a *App) delete() { if a.mode == normal { card, ok := a.getFocusedCard() if !ok { return } text := fmt.Sprintf("Do you want to delete '%s'?", card.Title) a.deleteCardModal.SetText(text) a.pages.ShowPage(deleteCardModalPage) a.SetFocus(a.deleteCardModal) } } func (a *App) quit() { if a.mode == normal { a.pages.ShowPage(quitPage) a.SetFocus(a.quitModal) } } func (a *App) selected() { switch a.mode { case normal: card, ok := a.getFocusedCard() if !ok { break } status := a.focusedStatusName() a.cardView.setText(card.ID, card.Title, status, card.Created, card.Description) a.pages.ShowPage(viewPage) a.SetFocus(a.cardView) case selection: a.statusSelection.nextStatusID = a.focusedStatusID() if a.statusSelection.currentStatusID != a.statusSelection.nextStatusID { if err := a.statusSelection.moveCard(a.board); err != nil { a.statusbar.displayMessage( errorLevel, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to move card: %v", err), ) } else { a.statusbar.displayMessage( infoLevel, "Card moved successfully.", ) } } a.statusSelection = statusSelection{0, 0, 0} a.updateBoardMode(normal) a.refresh(false) } } func (a *App) escape() { if a.mode != normal { a.updateBoardMode(normal) } }