= Pelican :toc: :toclevels: 1 :toc-title: Contents == Overview **This project is in ALPHA state and is not ready for production use yet.** Pelican is a simple Kanban board for your terminal. Data is stored in a https://github.com/etcd-io/bbolt[BoltDB] database. Pelican does not make any assumptions to the path of the database file; instead the user is expected to specify the path when running the application. == Installation === Requirements ==== Go A minimum version of Go 1.21.0 is required for installing spruce. Please go https://go.dev/dl/[here] to download the latest version. ==== Mage (Optional) The project includes a https://codeflow.dananglin.me.uk/apollo/pelican/src/branch/main/magefiles/mage.go[magefile] for automating the build and installation of the binary. You can visit the https://magefile.org[website] for instructions on how to install Mage. === Install with Mage You can install pelican with Mage using the following commands: [source,console] ---- git clone https://codeflow.dananglin.me.uk/apollo/pelican.git cd pelican mage install ---- The default install prefix is set to `/usr/local` so pelican will be installed to `/usr/local/bin/pelican`. If you want to change the install prefix you can set the `PELICAN_INSTALL_PREFIX` environment variable before installing. [source,console] ---- PELICAN_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/.local mage install ---- === Install with Go If your `GOBIN` directory is included in your `PATH` then you can install Pelican with Go. [source,console] ---- git clone https://codeflow.dananglin.me.uk/apollo/pelican.git cd pelican go install ./cmd/pelican ---- == Running Pelican To create a new Kanban project with Pelican, simply run the following command: [source,console] ---- pelican project.pelican ---- This will create a new BoltDB database file called `project.pelican` in your current directory and initialises the database with an empty project. == Keybindings [%header,cols=2*] |=== |Key |Action |`CTRL + q` |Quit the application |`c` |Create a new card |`CTRL + d` |Delete a card |`m` |Move a card from one column to another (press `Enter` to confirm your selection). |`Enter` |View the details of a card (press `ESC` to go back to the main board). |=== == Inspiration https://github.com/witchard/toukan[The toukan project]