Dan Anglin b89c0358f4
fix: resolve infinite loop issue in wrapLine fn
The wrap line function breaks a line at the position of the last
white space before reaching the line limit, however sometimes a single
word (e.g. a very long url) exceeds the character limit itself which
threw the function into an infinite loop. This commit fixes that by
breaking said word at the last letter before the character limit is
2024-05-27 00:14:29 +01:00

136 lines
2.5 KiB

package utilities
import (
const (
reset = "\033[0m"
boldblue = "\033[34;1m"
boldmagenta = "\033[35;1m"
green = "\033[32m"
func OpenLink(url string) {
var open string
if runtime.GOOS == "linux" {
open = "xdg-open"
} else {
command := exec.Command(open, url)
_ = command.Start()
func StripHTMLTags(text string) string {
token := html.NewTokenizer(strings.NewReader(text))
var builder strings.Builder
for {
tt := token.Next()
switch tt {
case html.ErrorToken:
return builder.String()
case html.TextToken:
text := token.Token().Data
case html.StartTagToken, html.EndTagToken:
tag := token.Token().String()
func transformTag(tag string) string {
switch tag {
case "<br>":
return "\n"
case "<p>", "</p>":
return "\n"
return ""
func WrapLines(text, separator string, charLimit int) string {
lines := strings.Split(text, "\n")
if len(lines) == 1 {
return wrapLine(lines[0], separator, charLimit)
var builder strings.Builder
for i, line := range lines {
builder.WriteString(wrapLine(line, separator, charLimit))
if i < len(lines)-1 {
return builder.String()
func wrapLine(line, separator string, charLimit int) string {
if len(line) <= charLimit {
return line
leftcursor, rightcursor := 0, 0
var builder strings.Builder
for rightcursor < (len(line) - charLimit) {
rightcursor += charLimit
for !unicode.IsSpace(rune(line[rightcursor-1])) && (rightcursor > leftcursor) {
if rightcursor == leftcursor {
rightcursor = leftcursor + charLimit
builder.WriteString(line[leftcursor:rightcursor] + separator)
leftcursor = rightcursor
return builder.String()
func HeaderFormat(text string) string {
return boldblue + text + reset
func FieldFormat(text string) string {
return green + text + reset
func DisplayNameFormat(text string) string {
// use this pattern to remove all emoji strings
pattern := regexp.MustCompile(`\s:[A-Za-z0-9]*:`)
return boldmagenta + pattern.ReplaceAllString(text, "") + reset
func FormatDate(date time.Time) string {
return date.Local().Format("02 Jan 2006")
func FormatTime(date time.Time) string {
return date.Local().Format("02 Jan 2006, 15:04 (MST)")