Dan Anglin ccdd8b6530
fix: add a new internal printer
Add a new internal printer package for printing resources to the screen
or pager.

With the new printer in place, most of the settings such as the pager
command, colour theme, whether or not colour output is disabled, etc
are defined in one place which saves us the trouble of passing an
increasing number of parameters to an increasing number of Display
methods throughout the code base.

The old Displayer interface and associated Display methods in the
model package are removed as this is now handled by the printer.

The format functions in the utilities package has essentially been
rewritten as methods to the Printer type.

Additional changes:

- All indentation when displaying information about resources (e.g.
  statuses, instance, accounts) are removed.
- The application's build information now has colour output.
2024-06-17 18:59:20 +01:00

232 lines
7.2 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Dan Anglin <d.n.i.anglin@gmail.com>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
package executor
import (
type CreateExecutor struct {
printer *printer.Printer
addPoll bool
boostable bool
federated bool
likeable bool
pollAllowsMultipleChoices bool
pollHidesVoteCounts bool
replyable bool
sensitive *bool
configDir string
content string
contentType string
fromFile string
language string
resourceType string
listTitle string
listRepliesPolicy string
spoilerText string
visibility string
pollExpiresIn TimeDurationFlagValue
pollOptions MultiStringFlagValue
func NewCreateExecutor(printer *printer.Printer, configDir, name, summary string) *CreateExecutor {
createExe := CreateExecutor{
FlagSet: flag.NewFlagSet(name, flag.ExitOnError),
printer: printer,
configDir: configDir,
createExe.BoolVar(&createExe.boostable, flagEnableReposts, true, "Specify if the status can be reposted/boosted by others")
createExe.BoolVar(&createExe.federated, flagEnableFederation, true, "Specify if the status can be federated beyond the local timelines")
createExe.BoolVar(&createExe.likeable, flagEnableLikes, true, "Specify if the status can be liked/favourited")
createExe.BoolVar(&createExe.replyable, flagEnableReplies, true, "Specify if the status can be replied to")
createExe.BoolVar(&createExe.pollAllowsMultipleChoices, flagPollAllowsMultipleChoices, false, "The poll allows viewers to make multiple choices in the poll")
createExe.BoolVar(&createExe.pollHidesVoteCounts, flagPollHidesVoteCounts, false, "The poll will hide the vote count until it is closed")
createExe.BoolVar(&createExe.addPoll, flagAddPoll, false, "Add a poll to the status")
createExe.StringVar(&createExe.content, flagContent, "", "The content of the status to create")
createExe.StringVar(&createExe.contentType, flagContentType, "plain", "The type that the contents should be parsed from (valid values are plain and markdown)")
createExe.StringVar(&createExe.fromFile, flagFromFile, "", "The file path where to read the contents from")
createExe.StringVar(&createExe.language, flagLanguage, "", "The ISO 639 language code for this status")
createExe.StringVar(&createExe.spoilerText, flagSpoilerText, "", "The text to display as the status' warning or subject")
createExe.StringVar(&createExe.visibility, flagVisibility, "", "The visibility of the posted status")
createExe.StringVar(&createExe.resourceType, flagType, "", "Specify the type of resource to create")
createExe.StringVar(&createExe.listTitle, flagListTitle, "", "Specify the title of the list")
createExe.StringVar(&createExe.listRepliesPolicy, flagListRepliesPolicy, "list", "Specify the policy of the replies for this list (valid values are followed, list and none)")
createExe.Var(&createExe.pollOptions, flagPollOption, "A poll option. Use this multiple times to set multiple options")
createExe.Var(&createExe.pollExpiresIn, flagPollExpiresIn, "The duration in which the poll is open for")
createExe.BoolFunc(flagSensitive, "Specify if the status should be marked as sensitive", func(value string) error {
boolVal, err := strconv.ParseBool(value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to parse %q as a boolean value: %w", value, err)
createExe.sensitive = new(bool)
*createExe.sensitive = boolVal
return nil
createExe.Usage = commandUsageFunc(name, summary, createExe.FlagSet)
return &createExe
func (c *CreateExecutor) Execute() error {
if c.resourceType == "" {
return FlagNotSetError{flagText: flagType}
gtsClient, err := client.NewClientFromConfig(c.configDir)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to create the GoToSocial client: %w", err)
funcMap := map[string]func(*client.Client) error{
resourceList: c.createList,
resourceStatus: c.createStatus,
doFunc, ok := funcMap[c.resourceType]
if !ok {
return UnsupportedTypeError{resourceType: c.resourceType}
return doFunc(gtsClient)
func (c *CreateExecutor) createList(gtsClient *client.Client) error {
if c.listTitle == "" {
return FlagNotSetError{flagText: flagListTitle}
parsedListRepliesPolicy, err := model.ParseListRepliesPolicy(c.listRepliesPolicy)
if err != nil {
return err
form := client.CreateListForm{
Title: c.listTitle,
RepliesPolicy: parsedListRepliesPolicy,
list, err := gtsClient.CreateList(form)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to create the list: %w", err)
c.printer.PrintSuccess("Successfully created the following list:")
return nil
func (c *CreateExecutor) createStatus(gtsClient *client.Client) error {
var (
err error
content string
language string
visibility string
sensitive bool
switch {
case c.content != "":
content = c.content
case c.fromFile != "":
content, err = utilities.ReadFile(c.fromFile)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to get the status contents from %q: %w", c.fromFile, err)
return EmptyContentError{
ResourceType: resourceStatus,
Hint: "please use --" + flagContent + " or --" + flagFromFile,
preferences, err := gtsClient.GetUserPreferences()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("WARNING: Unable to get your posting preferences: %w", err)
if c.language != "" {
language = c.language
} else {
language = preferences.PostingDefaultLanguage
if c.visibility != "" {
visibility = c.visibility
} else {
visibility = preferences.PostingDefaultVisibility
if c.sensitive != nil {
sensitive = *c.sensitive
} else {
sensitive = preferences.PostingDefaultSensitive
parsedVisibility, err := model.ParseStatusVisibility(visibility)
if err != nil {
return err
parsedContentType, err := model.ParseStatusContentType(c.contentType)
if err != nil {
return err
form := client.CreateStatusForm{
Content: content,
ContentType: parsedContentType,
Language: language,
SpoilerText: c.spoilerText,
Boostable: c.boostable,
Federated: c.federated,
Likeable: c.likeable,
Replyable: c.replyable,
Sensitive: sensitive,
Visibility: parsedVisibility,
Poll: nil,
if c.addPoll {
if len(c.pollOptions) == 0 {
return NoPollOptionError{}
poll := client.CreateStatusPollForm{
Options: c.pollOptions,
Multiple: c.pollAllowsMultipleChoices,
HideTotals: c.pollHidesVoteCounts,
ExpiresIn: int(c.pollExpiresIn.Duration.Seconds()),
form.Poll = &poll
status, err := gtsClient.CreateStatus(form)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to create the status: %w", err)
c.printer.PrintSuccess("Successfully created the following status:")
return nil