Dan Anglin 49b734f925
All checks were successful
Tests / test (pull_request) Successful in 18s
small edit
2024-08-21 12:17:37 +01:00

178 lines
5.2 KiB
Go Template

{{- /* vim: set noexpandtab : */ -}}
{{- /* vim: set tabstop=8 : */ -}}
{{- /* vim: set shiftwidth=8 : */ -}}
{{- /* vim: set softtabstop=8 : */ -}}
This file is generated by the enbas-codegen
{{ print "" }}
package executor
{{ print "" }}
{{ print "" }}
import "fmt"
import "flag"
import "os"
import "codeflow.dananglin.me.uk/apollo/enbas/internal/config"
import internalFlag "codeflow.dananglin.me.uk/apollo/enbas/internal/flag"
import "codeflow.dananglin.me.uk/apollo/enbas/internal/printer"
import "codeflow.dananglin.me.uk/apollo/enbas/internal/usage"
{{ print "" }}
{{ print "" }}
func Execute() error {
var (
configDir string
noColorFlag internalFlag.BoolPtrValue
noColor bool
flag.StringVar(&configDir, "config-dir", "", "The path to your configuration directory")
flag.Var(&noColorFlag, "no-color", "Set to true to disable ANSI colour output when displaying text on screen")
flag.Usage = usage.AppUsageFunc()
if flag.NArg() < 1 {
return nil
if noColorFlag.Value != nil {
noColor = *noColorFlag.Value
} else if os.Getenv("NO_COLOR") != "" {
noColor = true
command := flag.Arg(0)
args := flag.Args()[1:]
executorMap := map[string]func(string, bool, []string) error {
{{- range $name, $command := . -}}
{{- $execute_command_function_name := capitalise $name | printf "Execute%sCommand" -}}
{{ print "" }}
{{ printf "%q" $name }}: {{ $execute_command_function_name }},
{{- end -}}
{{ print "" }}
executorFunc, ok := executorMap[command]
if !ok {
err := UnknownCommandError{command: command}
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("Error: "+err.Error())
return err
return executorFunc(configDir, noColor, args)
{{ print "" }}
{{ range $name, $command := . }}
{{- $struct_name := capitalise $name | printf "%sExecutor" -}}
{{- $execute_command_function_name := capitalise $name | printf "Execute%sCommand" -}}
{{ print "" }}
// {{ $struct_name }} is the executor for the {{ $name }} command.
type {{ $struct_name }} struct {
printer *printer.Printer
config *config.Config
{{- range $flag := $command.Flags -}}
{{- $flag_type := getFlagType $flag.Flag -}}
{{- if internalFlagValue $flag_type -}}
{{ print "" }}
{{ flagFieldName $flag }} internalFlag.{{ $flag_type }}
{{- else -}}
{{ print "" }}
{{ flagFieldName $flag }} {{ $flag_type }}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- range $field := $command.AdditionalFields -}}
{{ print "" }}
{{ $field.Name }} {{ $field.Type }}
{{- end -}}
{{ print "" }}
// {{ $execute_command_function_name }} initialises and runs the executor for the {{ $name }} command.
func {{ $execute_command_function_name }}(
configDir string,
noColor bool,
args []string,
) error {
exe := {{ $struct_name }}{
FlagSet: flag.NewFlagSet({{ printf "%q" $name }}, flag.ExitOnError),
printer: nil,
config: nil,
configDir: configDir,
{{- range $flag := $command.Flags -}}
{{- $flag_type := getFlagType $flag.Flag -}}
{{- if internalFlagValue $flag_type -}}
{{ print "" }}
{{ flagFieldName $flag }}: internalFlag.New{{ $flag_type }}(),
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{ print "" }}
{{ print "" }}
exe.Usage = usage.ExecutorUsageFunc({{ printf "%q" $name }}, {{ printf "%q" $command.Summary }}, exe.FlagSet)
{{ print "" }}
{{- range $flag := $command.Flags -}}
{{- $flag_type := getFlagType $flag.Flag -}}
{{- if eq $flag_type "string" -}}
{{ print "" }}
exe.StringVar(&exe.{{ flagFieldName $flag }}, {{ printf "%q" $flag.Flag }}, {{ printf "%q" $flag.Default }}, {{ getFlagDescription $flag.Flag | printf "%q" }})
{{- else if eq $flag_type "bool" -}}
{{ print "" }}
exe.BoolVar(&exe.{{ flagFieldName $flag }}, {{ printf "%q" $flag.Flag }}, {{ $flag.Default }}, {{ getFlagDescription $flag.Flag | printf "%q" }})
{{- else if eq $flag_type "int" -}}
{{ print "" }}
exe.IntVar(&exe.{{ flagFieldName $flag }}, {{ printf "%q" $flag.Flag }}, {{ $flag.Default }}, {{ getFlagDescription $flag.Flag | printf "%q" }})
{{- else if internalFlagValue $flag_type -}}
{{ print "" }}
exe.Var(&exe.{{ flagFieldName $flag }}, {{ printf "%q" $flag.Flag }}, {{ getFlagDescription $flag.Flag | printf "%q" }})
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if $command.UseConfig -}}
{{ print "" }}
{{ print "" }}
// Load the configuration from file.
exeConfig, err := config.NewConfigFromFile(exe.configDir)
if err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("({{ $name }}) unable to load configuration: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
exe.config = exeConfig
// Create the printer for the executor.
exe.printer = printer.NewPrinter(
{{- else -}}
{{ print "" }}
{{ print "" }}
// Create the printer for the executor.
exe.printer = printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0)
{{- end -}}
{{ print "" }}
{{ print "" }}
// Parse the remaining arguments.
if err := exe.Parse(args); err != nil {
exe.printer.PrintFailure("({{ $name }}) flag parsing error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
// Run the executor.
if err := exe.Execute(); err != nil {
exe.printer.PrintFailure("({{ $name }}) execution error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
return nil
{{ end }}