Dan Anglin 6e5e0c4c5a
All checks were successful
REUSE Compliance Check / check (push) Successful in 5s
fix(BREAKING): rename spoiler-text flag to summary
Rename the spoiler-text flag to summary as the text represents the
status' summary. The usage message and manual indicates that the text is
also known as the spoiler text or content warning.
2024-08-18 06:48:15 +01:00

293 lines
6.8 KiB

package executor
import (
func (c *CreateExecutor) Execute() error {
if c.resourceType == "" {
return FlagNotSetError{flagText: flagType}
gtsClient, err := client.NewClientFromFile(c.config.CredentialsFile)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to create the GoToSocial client: %w", err)
funcMap := map[string]func(*client.Client) error{
resourceList: c.createList,
resourceStatus: c.createStatus,
resourceMediaAttachment: c.createMediaAttachment,
doFunc, ok := funcMap[c.resourceType]
if !ok {
return UnsupportedTypeError{resourceType: c.resourceType}
return doFunc(gtsClient)
func (c *CreateExecutor) createList(gtsClient *client.Client) error {
if c.listTitle == "" {
return FlagNotSetError{flagText: flagListTitle}
parsedListRepliesPolicy, err := model.ParseListRepliesPolicy(c.listRepliesPolicy)
if err != nil {
return err
form := client.CreateListForm{
Title: c.listTitle,
RepliesPolicy: parsedListRepliesPolicy,
list, err := gtsClient.CreateList(form)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to create the list: %w", err)
c.printer.PrintSuccess("Successfully created the following list:")
return nil
func (c *CreateExecutor) createStatus(gtsClient *client.Client) error {
var (
err error
language string
visibility string
sensitive bool
attachmentIDs := []string(c.attachmentIDs)
if !c.mediaFiles.Empty() {
descriptionsExists := false
focusValuesExists := false
numMediaFiles := len(c.mediaFiles)
mediaDescriptions := make([]string, numMediaFiles)
if !c.mediaDescriptions.Empty() {
descriptionsExists = true
if !c.mediaDescriptions.ExpectedLength(numMediaFiles) {
return MismatchedNumMediaValuesError{
valueType: "media descriptions",
numValues: len(c.mediaDescriptions),
numMediaFiles: numMediaFiles,
if !c.mediaFocusValues.Empty() {
focusValuesExists = true
if !c.mediaFocusValues.ExpectedLength(numMediaFiles) {
return MismatchedNumMediaValuesError{
valueType: "media focus values",
numValues: len(c.mediaFocusValues),
numMediaFiles: numMediaFiles,
if descriptionsExists {
for ind := range numMediaFiles {
mediaDesc, err := utilities.ReadContents(c.mediaDescriptions[ind])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to read the contents from %s: %w", c.mediaDescriptions[ind], err)
mediaDescriptions[ind] = mediaDesc
for ind := range numMediaFiles {
var (
mediaFile string
description string
focus string
mediaFile = c.mediaFiles[ind]
if descriptionsExists {
description = mediaDescriptions[ind]
if focusValuesExists {
focus = c.mediaFocusValues[ind]
attachment, err := gtsClient.CreateMediaAttachment(
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to create the media attachment for %s: %w", mediaFile, err)
attachmentIDs = append(attachmentIDs, attachment.ID)
if c.content == "" && len(attachmentIDs) == 0 {
return Error{"please add content to the status that you want to create"}
content, err := utilities.ReadContents(c.content)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to read the contents from %s: %w", c.content, err)
numAttachmentIDs := len(attachmentIDs)
if c.addPoll && numAttachmentIDs > 0 {
return Error{"attaching media to a poll is not allowed"}
preferences, err := gtsClient.GetUserPreferences()
if err != nil {
c.printer.PrintInfo("WARNING: Unable to get your posting preferences: " + err.Error() + ".\n")
if c.language != "" {
language = c.language
} else {
language = preferences.PostingDefaultLanguage
if c.visibility != "" {
visibility = c.visibility
} else {
visibility = preferences.PostingDefaultVisibility
if c.sensitive.Value != nil {
sensitive = *c.sensitive.Value
} else {
sensitive = preferences.PostingDefaultSensitive
parsedVisibility, err := model.ParseStatusVisibility(visibility)
if err != nil {
return err //nolint:wrapcheck
parsedContentType, err := model.ParseStatusContentType(c.contentType)
if err != nil {
return err //nolint:wrapcheck
form := client.CreateStatusForm{
Content: content,
ContentType: parsedContentType,
Language: language,
SpoilerText: c.summary,
Boostable: c.boostable,
Federated: c.federated,
InReplyTo: c.inReplyTo,
Likeable: c.likeable,
Replyable: c.replyable,
Sensitive: sensitive,
Visibility: parsedVisibility,
Poll: nil,
AttachmentIDs: nil,
if numAttachmentIDs > 0 {
form.AttachmentIDs = attachmentIDs
if c.addPoll {
if len(c.pollOptions) == 0 {
return Error{"no options were provided for this poll"}
poll := client.CreateStatusPollForm{
Options: c.pollOptions,
Multiple: c.pollAllowsMultipleChoices,
HideTotals: c.pollHidesVoteCounts,
ExpiresIn: int(c.pollExpiresIn.Duration.Seconds()),
form.Poll = &poll
status, err := gtsClient.CreateStatus(form)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to create the status: %w", err)
c.printer.PrintSuccess("Successfully created the status with ID: " + status.ID)
return nil
func (c *CreateExecutor) createMediaAttachment(gtsClient *client.Client) error {
expectedNumValues := 1
if !c.mediaFiles.ExpectedLength(expectedNumValues) {
return UnexpectedNumValuesError{
name: "media files",
expected: expectedNumValues,
actual: len(c.mediaFiles),
description := ""
if !c.mediaDescriptions.Empty() {
if !c.mediaDescriptions.ExpectedLength(expectedNumValues) {
return UnexpectedNumValuesError{
name: "media descriptions",
expected: expectedNumValues,
actual: len(c.mediaDescriptions),
var err error
description, err = utilities.ReadContents(c.mediaDescriptions[0])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(
"unable to read the contents from %s: %w",
focus := ""
if !c.mediaFocusValues.Empty() {
if !c.mediaFocusValues.ExpectedLength(expectedNumValues) {
return UnexpectedNumValuesError{
name: "media focus values",
expected: expectedNumValues,
actual: len(c.mediaFocusValues),
focus = c.mediaFocusValues[0]
attachment, err := gtsClient.CreateMediaAttachment(
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to create the media attachment: %w", err)
c.printer.PrintSuccess("Successfully created the media attachment with ID: " + attachment.ID)
return nil