Dan Anglin 39d9ef1a38
All checks were successful
REUSE Compliance Check / check (push) Successful in 8s
fix(BREAKING): remove the from-file flag
The from-file flag was used to read text from a file for creating
statuses. This flag is now removed and replaced with the file@ prefix
with the content flag.

For example, --from-file status.md is now replaced with
--content file@status.md
2024-08-16 19:57:44 +01:00

456 lines
16 KiB

"flags": {
"account-name": {
"type": "StringSliceValue",
"description": "The name of the account"
"all-images": {
"type": "bool",
"description": "Set to true to show all images from a status"
"all-videos": {
"type": "bool",
"description": "Set to true to show all videos from a status"
"attachment-id": {
"type": "StringSliceValue",
"description": "The ID of the media attachment"
"add-poll": {
"type": "bool",
"description": "Set to true to add a poll when creating a status"
"browser": {
"type": "bool",
"description": "Set to true to view in the your favourite browser"
"content": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The content of the created resource"
"content-type": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The type that the contents should be parsed from (valid values are plain and markdown)"
"enable-federation": {
"type": "bool",
"description": "Set to true to federate the status beyond the local timelines"
"enable-likes": {
"type": "bool",
"description": "Set to true to allow the status to be liked (favourited)"
"enable-replies": {
"type": "bool",
"description": "Set to true to allow viewers to reply to the status"
"enable-reposts": {
"type": "bool",
"description": "Set to true to allow the status to be reposted (boosted) by others"
"exclude-boosts": {
"type": "bool",
"description": "Set to true to exclude statuses that are boosts of another status"
"exclude-replies": {
"type": "bool",
"description": "Set to true to exclude statuses that are a reply to another status"
"from": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The resource type to action the target resource from (e.g. status)"
"full": {
"type": "bool",
"description": "Set to true to print the build information in full"
"in-reply-to": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The ID of the status that you want to reply to"
"instance": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The instance that you want to log into"
"language": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The ISO 639 language code for this status"
"limit": {
"type": "int",
"description": "Specify the limit of items to display"
"list-id": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The ID of the list in question"
"list-title": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The title of the list"
"list-replies-policy": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The replies policy of the list"
"media-description": {
"type": "StringSliceValue",
"description": "The description of the media attachment which will be used as the alt-text"
"media-file": {
"type": "StringSliceValue",
"description": "The path to the media file"
"media-focus": {
"type": "StringSliceValue",
"description": "The focus of the media file"
"mute-duration": {
"type": "TimeDurationValue",
"description": "Specify how long the mute should last for. To mute indefinitely, set this to 0s"
"mute-notifications": {
"type": "bool",
"description": "Set to true to mute notifications as well as posts"
"my-account": {
"type": "bool",
"description": "Set to true to specify your account"
"notify": {
"type": "bool",
"description": "Get notifications from statuses from the account you want to follow"
"only-media": {
"type": "bool",
"description": "Set to true to show only the statuses with media attachments"
"only-pinned": {
"type": "bool",
"description": "Set to true to show only the account's pinned statuses"
"only-public": {
"type": "bool",
"description": "Set to true to show only the account's public posts"
"poll-allows-multiple-choices": {
"type": "bool",
"description": "Set to true to allow viewers to make multiple choices in the poll"
"poll-expires-in": {
"type": "TimeDurationValue",
"description": "The duration in which the poll is open for"
"poll-hides-vote-counts": {
"type": "bool",
"description": "Set to true to hide the vote count until the poll is closed"
"poll-option": {
"type": "StringSliceValue",
"description": "A poll option. Use this multiple times to set multiple options"
"save-text": {
"type": "bool",
"description": "Set to true to save the text of the deleted status"
"sensitive": {
"type": "BoolPtrValue",
"description": "Set to true if the status should be marked as sensitive"
"show-preferences": {
"type": "bool",
"description": "Set to true to view your posting preferences when viewing your account information"
"show-reposts": {
"type": "bool",
"description": "Show reposts from the account you want to follow"
"show-statuses": {
"type": "bool",
"description": "Set to true to view the statuses created from the account you are viewing"
"skip-relationship": {
"type": "bool",
"description": "Set to true to skip showing your relationship to the account that you are viewing"
"spoiler-text": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The text to display as the status' warning or subject"
"status-id": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The ID of the status"
"tag": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the tag"
"timeline-category": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The timeline category"
"to": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The resource type to action the target resource to (e.g. status)"
"type": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The type of resource you want to action on (e.g. account, status)"
"visibility": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The visibility of the posted status"
"vote": {
"type": "IntSliceValue",
"description": "Add a vote to an option in a poll"
"commands": {
"accept": {
"additionalFields": [],
"flags": [
{ "flag": "account-name" },
{ "flag": "type", "fieldName": "resourceType", "default": "" }
"summary": "Accepts a request (e.g. a follow request)",
"useConfig": true,
"usePrinter": true
"add": {
"additionalFields": [],
"flags": [
{ "flag": "account-name", "fieldName": "accountNames" },
{ "flag": "content", "default": "" },
{ "flag": "list-id", "fieldName": "listID", "default": "" },
{ "flag": "status-id", "fieldName": "statusID", "default": "" },
{ "flag": "to", "fieldName": "toResourceType", "default": "" },
{ "flag": "type", "fieldName": "resourceType", "default": "" },
{ "flag": "vote", "fieldName": "votes" }
"summary": "Adds a resource to another resource",
"useConfig": true,
"usePrinter": true
"block": {
"additionalFields": [],
"flags": [
{ "flag": "account-name" },
{ "flag": "type", "fieldName": "resourceType", "default": "" }
"summary": "Blocks a resource (e.g. an account)",
"useConfig": true,
"usePrinter": true
"create": {
"additionalFields": [],
"flags": [
{ "flag": "add-poll", "default": "false" },
{ "flag": "attachment-id", "fieldName": "attachmentIDs" },
{ "flag": "content", "default": "" },
{ "flag": "content-type", "default": "plain" },
{ "flag": "enable-federation", "fieldName": "federated", "default": "true" },
{ "flag": "enable-likes", "fieldName": "likeable", "default": "true" },
{ "flag": "enable-replies", "fieldName": "replyable", "default": "true" },
{ "flag": "enable-reposts", "fieldName": "boostable", "default": "true" },
{ "flag": "in-reply-to", "default": "" },
{ "flag": "language", "default": "" },
{ "flag": "list-replies-policy", "default": "list" },
{ "flag": "list-title", "default": "" },
{ "flag": "media-description", "fieldName": "mediaDescriptions" },
{ "flag": "media-focus", "fieldName": "mediaFocusValues" },
{ "flag": "media-file", "fieldName": "mediaFiles" },
{ "flag": "poll-allows-multiple-choices", "default": "false" },
{ "flag": "poll-expires-in" },
{ "flag": "poll-hides-vote-counts", "default": "false" },
{ "flag": "poll-option", "fieldName": "pollOptions" },
{ "flag": "sensitive" },
{ "flag": "spoiler-text", "default": "" },
{ "flag": "type", "fieldName": "resourceType", "default": "" },
{ "flag": "visibility", "default": "" }
"summary": "Creates a specific resource",
"useConfig": true,
"usePrinter": true
"delete": {
"additionalFields": [],
"flags": [
{ "flag": "list-id", "fieldName": "listID", "default": ""},
{ "flag": "save-text", "default": "false" },
{ "flag": "status-id", "fieldName": "statusID", "default": "" },
{ "flag": "type", "fieldName": "resourceType", "default": "" }
"summary": "Deletes a specific resource",
"useConfig": true,
"usePrinter": true
"edit": {
"additionalFields": [],
"flags": [
{ "flag": "attachment-id", "fieldName": "attachmentIDs" },
{ "flag": "list-id", "fieldName": "listID", "default": ""},
{ "flag": "list-title", "default": "" },
{ "flag": "list-replies-policy", "default": "" },
{ "flag": "media-description", "fieldName": "mediaDescriptions" },
{ "flag": "media-focus", "fieldName": "mediaFocusValues" },
{ "flag": "type", "fieldName": "resourceType", "default": "" }
"summary": "Edit a specific resource",
"useConfig": true,
"usePrinter": true
"follow": {
"additionalFields": [],
"flags": [
{ "flag": "account-name" },
{ "flag": "notify", "default": "false" },
{ "flag": "show-reposts", "default": "true" },
{ "flag": "type", "fieldName": "resourceType", "default": "" }
"summary": "Follow a resource (e.g. an account)",
"useConfig": true,
"usePrinter": true
"init": {
"additionalFields": [
{ "name": "configDir", "type": "string"}
"flags": [],
"summary": "Creates a new configuration file in the specified configuration directory",
"useConfig": false,
"usePrinter": true
"login": {
"additionalFields": [],
"flags": [
{ "flag": "instance", "default": "" }
"summary": "Logs into an account on GoToSocial",
"useConfig": true,
"usePrinter": true
"mute": {
"additionalFields": [],
"flags": [
{ "flag": "account-name" },
{ "flag": "mute-duration" },
{ "flag": "mute-notifications", "default": "false" },
{ "flag": "status-id", "fieldName": "statusID", "default": "" },
{ "flag": "type", "fieldName": "resourceType", "default": "" }
"summary": "Mutes a specific resource (e.g. an account)",
"useConfig": true,
"usePrinter": true
"reject": {
"additionalFields": [],
"flags": [
{ "flag": "account-name" },
{ "flag": "type", "fieldName": "resourceType", "default": "" }
"summary": "Rejects a request (e.g. a follow request)",
"useConfig": true,
"usePrinter": true
"remove": {
"additionalFields": [],
"flags": [
{ "flag": "account-name", "fieldName": "accountNames" },
{ "flag": "from", "fieldName": "fromResourceType", "default": "" },
{ "flag": "list-id", "fieldName": "listID", "default": "" },
{ "flag": "status-id", "fieldName": "statusID", "default": "" },
{ "flag": "type", "fieldName": "resourceType", "default": "" }
"summary": "Removes a resource from another resource",
"useConfig": true,
"usePrinter": true
"show": {
"additionalFields": [],
"flags": [
{ "flag": "account-name" },
{ "flag": "all-images", "fieldName": "getAllImages", "default": "false" },
{ "flag": "all-videos", "fieldName": "getAllVideos", "default": "false" },
{ "flag": "attachment-id", "fieldName": "attachmentIDs" },
{ "flag": "browser", "fieldName": "showInBrowser", "default": "false" },
{ "flag": "exclude-boosts", "default": "false" },
{ "flag": "exclude-replies", "default": "false" },
{ "flag": "from", "fieldName": "fromResourceType", "default": "" },
{ "flag": "limit", "default": "20" },
{ "flag": "list-id", "fieldName": "listID", "default": "" },
{ "flag": "my-account", "default": "false" },
{ "flag": "only-media", "default": "false" },
{ "flag": "only-pinned", "default": "false" },
{ "flag": "only-public", "default": "false" },
{ "flag": "show-preferences", "fieldName": "showUserPreferences", "default": "false" },
{ "flag": "show-statuses", "default": "false" },
{ "flag": "skip-relationship", "fieldName": "skipAccountRelationship", "default": "false" },
{ "flag": "status-id", "fieldName": "statusID", "default": "" },
{ "flag": "timeline-category", "default": "home" },
{ "flag": "tag", "default": "" },
{ "flag": "type", "fieldName": "resourceType", "default": "" }
"summary": "Shows details about a specified resource",
"useConfig": true,
"usePrinter": true
"switch": {
"additionalFields": [],
"flags": [
{ "flag": "account-name" },
{ "flag": "to", "default": "" }
"summary": "Performs a switch operation (e.g. switching between logged in accounts)",
"useConfig": true,
"usePrinter": true
"unblock": {
"additionalFields": [],
"flags": [
{ "flag": "account-name" },
{ "flag": "type", "fieldName": "resourceType", "default": "" }
"summary": "Unblocks a resource (e.g. an account)",
"useConfig": true,
"usePrinter": true
"unfollow": {
"additionalFields": [],
"flags": [
{ "flag": "account-name" },
{ "flag": "type", "fieldName": "resourceType", "default": "" }
"summary": "Unfollows a resource (e.g. an account)",
"useConfig": true,
"usePrinter": true
"unmute": {
"additionalFields": [],
"flags": [
{ "flag": "account-name" },
{ "flag": "status-id", "fieldName": "statusID", "default": "" },
{ "flag": "type", "fieldName": "resourceType", "default": "" }
"summary": "Umutes a specific resource (e.g. an account)",
"useConfig": true,
"usePrinter": true
"version": {
"additionalFields": [],
"flags": [
{ "flag": "full", "default": "false" }
"summary": "Prints the application's version and build information",
"useConfig": false,
"usePrinter": true
"whoami": {
"additionalFields": [],
"flags": [],
"summary": "Prints the account that you are currently logged into",
"useConfig": true,
"usePrinter": true