# Tips and Tricks ## The time duration value The time duration value is a custom [flag value](https://pkg.go.dev/flag#Value) that converts a string input into a duration of time. A typical string input would be in the form of something like `"3 days, 12 hours and 39 minutes"`. The value can parse units in days, hours, minutes and seconds. To ensure that your string input is parsed correctly there are simple rules to follow. - The input must be wrapped in quotes. - Use `day` or `days` to parse the number of days. - Use `hour` or `hours` to parse the number of hours. - Use `minute` or `minutes` to parse the number of minutes. - Use `second` or `seconds` to parse the number of seconds. - There must be at least one space between the number and the unit of time.
E.g. `"7 days"` is valid, but `"7days"` is invalid. ### Example valid string inputs - `"3 days"` - `"6 hours, 45 minutes and 1 second"` - `"1 day, 15 hours 31 minutes and 12 seconds"` - `"(7 days) (1 hour) (21 minutes) (35 seconds)"`