package printer import ( "math" "strconv" "strings" "" ) func (p Printer) PrintStatus(status model.Status, userAccountID string) { var builder strings.Builder // The account information builder.WriteString("\n" + p.fullDisplayNameFormat(status.Account.DisplayName, status.Account.Acct)) // The ID of the status builder.WriteString("\n\n" + p.headerFormat("STATUS ID:")) builder.WriteString("\n" + status.ID) // The subject, summary of content warning of the status if status.SpoilerText != "" { builder.WriteString("\n\n" + p.headerFormat("SUMMARY:")) builder.WriteString("\n" + status.SpoilerText) } // The content of the status. builder.WriteString("\n\n" + p.headerFormat("CONTENT:")) builder.WriteString(p.convertHTMLToText(status.Content, true)) // Details of media attachments (if any). if len(status.MediaAttachments) > 0 { builder.WriteString("\n\n" + p.headerFormat("MEDIA ATTACHMENTS:")) for ind, media := range status.MediaAttachments { builder.WriteString("\n\n[" + strconv.Itoa(ind) + "] " + p.fieldFormat("ID:") + " " + media.ID) builder.WriteString("\n " + p.fieldFormat("Type:") + " " + media.Type) description := media.Description if description == "" { description = noMediaDescription } builder.WriteString("\n " + p.fieldFormat("Description:") + " " + description) builder.WriteString("\n " + p.fieldFormat("Media URL:") + " " + media.URL) } } // If a poll exists in a status, write the contents to the builder. if status.Poll != nil { pollOwner := false if status.Account.ID == userAccountID { pollOwner = true } builder.WriteString("\n\n" + p.headerFormat("POLL DETAILS:")) builder.WriteString(p.pollDetails(*status.Poll, pollOwner)) } // Status creation time builder.WriteString("\n\n" + p.headerFormat("CREATED AT:")) builder.WriteString("\n" + p.formatDateTime(status.CreatedAt)) // Status stats builder.WriteString("\n\n" + p.headerFormat("STATS:")) builder.WriteString("\n" + p.fieldFormat("Boosts: ") + strconv.Itoa(status.ReblogsCount)) builder.WriteString("\n" + p.fieldFormat("Likes: ") + strconv.Itoa(status.FavouritesCount)) builder.WriteString("\n" + p.fieldFormat("Replies: ") + strconv.Itoa(status.RepliesCount)) // The user's actions on the status builder.WriteString("\n\n" + p.headerFormat("YOUR ACTIONS:")) builder.WriteString("\n" + p.fieldFormat("Boosted: ") + strconv.FormatBool(status.Reblogged)) builder.WriteString("\n" + p.fieldFormat("Liked: ") + strconv.FormatBool(status.Favourited)) builder.WriteString("\n" + p.fieldFormat("Bookmarked: ") + strconv.FormatBool(status.Bookmarked)) builder.WriteString("\n" + p.fieldFormat("Muted: ") + strconv.FormatBool(status.Muted)) // Status visibility builder.WriteString("\n\n" + p.headerFormat("VISIBILITY:")) builder.WriteString("\n" + status.Visibility.String()) // Status URL builder.WriteString("\n\n" + p.headerFormat("URL:")) builder.WriteString("\n" + status.URL) builder.WriteString("\n\n") p.print(builder.String()) } func (p Printer) PrintStatusList(list model.StatusList, userAccountID string) { p.print(p.statusList(list, userAccountID)) } func (p Printer) statusList(list model.StatusList, userAccountID string) string { var builder strings.Builder builder.WriteString(p.headerFormat(list.Name) + "\n") for _, status := range list.Statuses { statusID := status.ID statusOwnerID := status.Account.ID createdAt := p.formatDateTime(status.CreatedAt) boostedAt := "" content := status.Content poll := status.Poll mediaAttachments := status.MediaAttachments summary := status.SpoilerText switch { case status.Reblog != nil: builder.WriteString("\n" + p.wrapLines( p.fullDisplayNameFormat(status.Account.DisplayName, status.Account.Acct)+ " boosted this status from "+ p.fullDisplayNameFormat(status.Reblog.Account.DisplayName, status.Reblog.Account.Acct)+ ":", 0, )) statusID = status.Reblog.ID statusOwnerID = status.Reblog.Account.ID createdAt = p.formatDateTime(status.Reblog.CreatedAt) boostedAt = p.formatDateTime(status.CreatedAt) content = status.Reblog.Content poll = status.Reblog.Poll mediaAttachments = status.Reblog.MediaAttachments summary = status.Reblog.SpoilerText case status.InReplyToID != "": builder.WriteString("\n" + p.wrapLines( p.fullDisplayNameFormat(status.Account.DisplayName, status.Account.Acct)+ " posted in reply to "+ status.InReplyToID+ ":", 0, )) default: builder.WriteString("\n" + p.fullDisplayNameFormat(status.Account.DisplayName, status.Account.Acct) + " posted:") } if summary != "" { builder.WriteString("\n\n" + p.bold(p.wrapLines(summary, 0))) } builder.WriteString("\n" + p.convertHTMLToText(content, true)) if poll != nil { pollOwner := false if statusOwnerID == userAccountID { pollOwner = true } builder.WriteString(p.pollDetails(*poll, pollOwner)) } for _, media := range mediaAttachments { builder.WriteString("\n\n" + symbolImage + " " + p.fieldFormat("Media attachment: ") + media.ID) builder.WriteString("\n " + p.fieldFormat("Media type: ") + media.Type + "\n") description := " " + p.fieldFormat("Description: ") if media.Description == "" { description += noMediaDescription } else { description += media.Description } builder.WriteString(p.wrapLines(description, 2)) } boosted := symbolBoosted if status.Reblogged { boosted = p.theme.boldyellow + symbolBoosted + p.theme.reset } liked := symbolNotLiked if status.Favourited { liked = p.theme.boldyellow + symbolLiked + p.theme.reset } bookmarked := symbolNotBookmarked if status.Bookmarked { bookmarked = p.theme.boldyellow + symbolBookmarked + p.theme.reset } builder.WriteString("\n\n" + boosted + " " + p.fieldFormat("boosted: ") + strconv.FormatBool(status.Reblogged)) builder.WriteString("\n" + liked + " " + p.fieldFormat("liked: ") + strconv.FormatBool(status.Favourited)) builder.WriteString("\n" + bookmarked + " " + p.fieldFormat("bookmarked: ") + strconv.FormatBool(status.Bookmarked)) builder.WriteString( "\n\n" + p.fieldFormat("Status ID: ") + statusID + "\n" + p.fieldFormat("Created at: ") + createdAt, ) if boostedAt != "" { builder.WriteString("\n" + p.fieldFormat("Boosted at: ") + boostedAt) } builder.WriteString("\n" + p.statusSeparator + "\n") } return builder.String() } func (p Printer) pollDetails(poll model.Poll, owner bool) string { var builder strings.Builder for ind, option := range poll.Options { var ( votage float64 percentage int ) // Show the poll results under any of the following conditions: // - the user is the owner of the poll // - the poll has expired // - the user has voted in the poll if owner || poll.Expired || poll.Voted { if poll.VotesCount == 0 { percentage = 0 } else { votage = float64(option.VotesCount) / float64(poll.VotesCount) percentage = int(math.Floor(100 * votage)) } optionTitle := "\n\n" + "[" + strconv.Itoa(ind) + "] " + option.Title for _, vote := range poll.OwnVotes { if ind == vote { optionTitle += " " + symbolCheckMark break } } builder.WriteString(optionTitle) builder.WriteString(p.pollMeter(votage)) builder.WriteString("\n" + strconv.Itoa(option.VotesCount) + " votes " + "(" + strconv.Itoa(percentage) + "%)") } else { builder.WriteString("\n" + "[" + strconv.Itoa(ind) + "] " + option.Title) } } pollStatusField := "Poll is open until: " if poll.Expired { pollStatusField = "Poll was closed on: " } builder.WriteString("\n\n" + p.fieldFormat(pollStatusField) + p.formatDateTime(poll.ExpiredAt)) builder.WriteString("\n" + p.fieldFormat("Total votes: ") + strconv.Itoa(poll.VotesCount)) builder.WriteString("\n" + p.fieldFormat("Multiple choices allowed: ") + strconv.FormatBool(poll.Multiple)) return builder.String() } func (p Printer) pollMeter(votage float64) string { numVoteBlocks := int(math.Floor(float64(p.lineWrapCharacterLimit) * votage)) numBackgroundBlocks := p.lineWrapCharacterLimit - numVoteBlocks voteBlockColour := p.theme.boldgreen backgroundBlockColor := p.theme.grey if p.noColor { voteBlockColour = p.theme.reset if numVoteBlocks == 0 { numVoteBlocks = 1 } } meter := "\n" + voteBlockColour + strings.Repeat(symbolPollMeter, numVoteBlocks) + p.theme.reset if !p.noColor { meter += backgroundBlockColor + strings.Repeat(symbolPollMeter, numBackgroundBlocks) + p.theme.reset } return meter }