package executor import ( "fmt" "" "" "" ) func (c *CreateExecutor) Execute() error { if c.resourceType == "" { return FlagNotSetError{flagText: flagType} } gtsClient, err := client.NewClientFromFile(c.config.CredentialsFile) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to create the GoToSocial client: %w", err) } funcMap := map[string]func(*client.Client) error{ resourceList: c.createList, resourceStatus: c.createStatus, resourceMediaAttachment: c.createMediaAttachment, } doFunc, ok := funcMap[c.resourceType] if !ok { return UnsupportedTypeError{resourceType: c.resourceType} } return doFunc(gtsClient) } func (c *CreateExecutor) createList(gtsClient *client.Client) error { if c.listTitle == "" { return Error{"please provide the title of the list that you want to create"} } parsedListRepliesPolicy, err := model.ParseListRepliesPolicy(c.listRepliesPolicy) if err != nil { return err //nolint:wrapcheck } form := client.CreateListForm{ Title: c.listTitle, RepliesPolicy: parsedListRepliesPolicy, } list, err := gtsClient.CreateList(form) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to create the list: %w", err) } c.printer.PrintSuccess("Successfully created the following list:") c.printer.PrintList(list) return nil } func (c *CreateExecutor) createStatus(gtsClient *client.Client) error { var ( err error language string visibility string sensitive bool ) attachmentIDs := []string(c.attachmentIDs) if !c.mediaFiles.Empty() { descriptionsExists := false focusValuesExists := false numMediaFiles := len(c.mediaFiles) mediaDescriptions := make([]string, numMediaFiles) if !c.mediaDescriptions.Empty() { descriptionsExists = true if !c.mediaDescriptions.ExpectedLength(numMediaFiles) { return MismatchedNumMediaValuesError{ valueType: "media descriptions", numValues: len(c.mediaDescriptions), numMediaFiles: numMediaFiles, } } } if !c.mediaFocusValues.Empty() { focusValuesExists = true if !c.mediaFocusValues.ExpectedLength(numMediaFiles) { return MismatchedNumMediaValuesError{ valueType: "media focus values", numValues: len(c.mediaFocusValues), numMediaFiles: numMediaFiles, } } } if descriptionsExists { for ind := range numMediaFiles { mediaDesc, err := utilities.ReadContents(c.mediaDescriptions[ind]) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to read the contents from %s: %w", c.mediaDescriptions[ind], err) } mediaDescriptions[ind] = mediaDesc } } for ind := range numMediaFiles { var ( mediaFile string description string focus string ) mediaFile = c.mediaFiles[ind] if descriptionsExists { description = mediaDescriptions[ind] } if focusValuesExists { focus = c.mediaFocusValues[ind] } attachment, err := gtsClient.CreateMediaAttachment( mediaFile, description, focus, ) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to create the media attachment for %s: %w", mediaFile, err) } attachmentIDs = append(attachmentIDs, attachment.ID) } } if c.content == "" && len(attachmentIDs) == 0 { return Error{"please add content to the status that you want to create"} } content, err := utilities.ReadContents(c.content) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to read the contents from %s: %w", c.content, err) } numAttachmentIDs := len(attachmentIDs) if c.addPoll && numAttachmentIDs > 0 { return Error{"attaching media to a poll is not allowed"} } preferences, err := gtsClient.GetUserPreferences() if err != nil { c.printer.PrintInfo("WARNING: Unable to get your posting preferences: " + err.Error() + ".\n") } if c.language != "" { language = c.language } else { language = preferences.PostingDefaultLanguage } if c.visibility != "" { visibility = c.visibility } else { visibility = preferences.PostingDefaultVisibility } if c.sensitive.Value != nil { sensitive = *c.sensitive.Value } else { sensitive = preferences.PostingDefaultSensitive } parsedVisibility, err := model.ParseStatusVisibility(visibility) if err != nil { return err //nolint:wrapcheck } parsedContentType, err := model.ParseStatusContentType(c.contentType) if err != nil { return err //nolint:wrapcheck } form := client.CreateStatusForm{ Content: content, ContentType: parsedContentType, Language: language, SpoilerText: c.summary, Boostable: c.boostable, Federated: c.federated, InReplyTo: c.inReplyTo, Likeable: c.likeable, Replyable: c.replyable, Sensitive: sensitive, Visibility: parsedVisibility, Poll: nil, AttachmentIDs: nil, } if numAttachmentIDs > 0 { form.AttachmentIDs = attachmentIDs } if c.addPoll { if len(c.pollOptions) == 0 { return Error{"no options were provided for this poll"} } poll := client.CreateStatusPollForm{ Options: c.pollOptions, Multiple: c.pollAllowsMultipleChoices, HideTotals: c.pollHidesVoteCounts, ExpiresIn: int(c.pollExpiresIn.Duration.Seconds()), } form.Poll = &poll } status, err := gtsClient.CreateStatus(form) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to create the status: %w", err) } c.printer.PrintSuccess("Successfully created the status with ID: " + status.ID) return nil } func (c *CreateExecutor) createMediaAttachment(gtsClient *client.Client) error { expectedNumValues := 1 if !c.mediaFiles.ExpectedLength(expectedNumValues) { return UnexpectedNumValuesError{ name: "media files", expected: expectedNumValues, actual: len(c.mediaFiles), } } description := "" if !c.mediaDescriptions.Empty() { if !c.mediaDescriptions.ExpectedLength(expectedNumValues) { return UnexpectedNumValuesError{ name: "media descriptions", expected: expectedNumValues, actual: len(c.mediaDescriptions), } } var err error description, err = utilities.ReadContents(c.mediaDescriptions[0]) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf( "unable to read the contents from %s: %w", c.mediaDescriptions[0], err, ) } } focus := "" if !c.mediaFocusValues.Empty() { if !c.mediaFocusValues.ExpectedLength(expectedNumValues) { return UnexpectedNumValuesError{ name: "media focus values", expected: expectedNumValues, actual: len(c.mediaFocusValues), } } focus = c.mediaFocusValues[0] } attachment, err := gtsClient.CreateMediaAttachment( c.mediaFiles[0], description, focus, ) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to create the media attachment: %w", err) } c.printer.PrintSuccess("Successfully created the media attachment with ID: " + attachment.ID) return nil }