# Installation ## Download Pre-built binaries will soon be available on the release page on both Codeberg and GitHub. ## Build from source ### Build requirements - **Go:** A minimum version of Go 1.22.0 is required for installing spruce. Please go [here](https://go.dev/dl/) to download the latest version. - **Mage (Optional):** The project includes mage targets for building and installing the binary. The main advantage of using mage over `go install` is that the build information is baked into the binary during compilation. You can visit the [Mage website](https://magefile.org/) for instructions on how to install Mage. ### Install with mage You can install Enbas with Mage using the following commands: ```bash git clone https://github.com/dananglin/enbas.git mage install ``` By default Mage will attempt to install Enbas to `/usr/local/bin/enbas` which will most likely fail as you won't the permission to write to `/usr/local/bin/`. You will need to either run `sudo mage install`, or you can (preferably) change the install prefix to a directory that you have permission to write to using the `ENBAS_INSTALL_PREFIX` environment variable. For example: ```bash ENBAS_INSTALL_PREFIX=${HOME}/.local mage install ``` This will install Enbas to `~/.local/bin/enbas`. The table below shows all the environment variables you can use when building with Mage. | Environment Variable | Description | |--------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |`ENBAS_INSTALL_PREFIX` | Set this to your preferred the installation prefix (default: `/usr/local`). | |`ENBAS_BUILD_REBUILD_ALL` | Set this to `1` to rebuild all packages even if they are already up-to-date. | |`ENBAS_BUILD_VERBOSE` | Set this to `1` to enable verbose logging when building the binary. | ### Install with go If your `GOBIN` directory is included in your `PATH` then you can install Enbas with Go. ```bash git clone https://github.com/dananglin/enbas.git cd enbas go install ./cmd/enbas ``` ## Verify the installation Type `enbas` from your terminal to verify that the installation was successful. You should see the help documentation. ```bash $ enbas SUMMARY: enbas - A GoToSocial client for the terminal. VERSION: v0.1.0 USAGE: enbas [flags] enbas [flags] [command] COMMANDS: accept Accept a request (e.g. a follow request) add Add a resource to another resource block Block a resource (e.g. an account) create Create a specific resource delete Delete a specific resource edit Edit a specific resource follow Follow a resource (e.g. an account) init Create a new configuration file in the specified configuration directory login Login to an account on GoToSocial mute Mute a resource (e.g. an account) reject Reject a request (e.g. a follow request) remove Remove a resource from another resource show Print details about a specified resource switch Perform a switch operation (e.g. switch logged in accounts) unblock Unblock a resource (e.g. an account) unfollow Unfollow a resource (e.g. an account) unmute Unmute a resource (e.g. an account) version Print the application's version and build information whoami Print the account that you are currently logged in to FLAGS: --help print the help message --config-dir Specify your config directory --no-color Disable ANSI colour output when displaying text on screen Use "enbas [command] --help" for more information about a command. ``` You can also view the application's version and build information using the `version` command. The build information is correctly displayed if you've downloaded the binary from Codeberg or GitHub, or if you've built it with Mage. ```bash Enbas Version: v0.1.0 Git commit: c8892a6 Go version: go1.22.4 Build date: 2024-06-28T21:57:37Z ``` Once you have completed the installation proceed to the [Getting Started guide](./getting_started.md).