
1345 lines
41 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

This file is generated by the enbas-codegen
package executor
import (
internalFlag "codeflow.dananglin.me.uk/apollo/enbas/internal/flag"
func Execute() error {
var (
configDir string
noColorFlag internalFlag.BoolPtrValue
noColor bool
flag.StringVar(&configDir, "config-dir", "", "The path to your configuration directory")
flag.Var(&noColorFlag, "no-color", "Set to true to disable ANSI colour output when displaying text on screen")
flag.Usage = usage.AppUsageFunc()
if flag.NArg() < 1 {
return nil
if noColorFlag.Value != nil {
noColor = *noColorFlag.Value
} else if os.Getenv("NO_COLOR") != "" {
noColor = true
command := flag.Arg(0)
args := flag.Args()[1:]
executorMap := map[string]func(string, bool, []string) error{
"accept": ExecuteAcceptCommand,
"add": ExecuteAddCommand,
"block": ExecuteBlockCommand,
"create": ExecuteCreateCommand,
"delete": ExecuteDeleteCommand,
"edit": ExecuteEditCommand,
"follow": ExecuteFollowCommand,
"init": ExecuteInitCommand,
"login": ExecuteLoginCommand,
"mute": ExecuteMuteCommand,
"reject": ExecuteRejectCommand,
"remove": ExecuteRemoveCommand,
"show": ExecuteShowCommand,
"switch": ExecuteSwitchCommand,
"unblock": ExecuteUnblockCommand,
"unfollow": ExecuteUnfollowCommand,
"unmute": ExecuteUnmuteCommand,
"version": ExecuteVersionCommand,
"whoami": ExecuteWhoamiCommand,
executorFunc, ok := executorMap[command]
if !ok {
err := UnknownCommandError{command: command}
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("Error: " + err.Error())
return err
return executorFunc(configDir, noColor, args)
// AcceptExecutor is the executor for the accept command.
type AcceptExecutor struct {
printer *printer.Printer
config *config.Config
accountName internalFlag.StringSliceValue
resourceType string
configDir string
// ExecuteAcceptCommand initialises and runs the executor for the accept command.
func ExecuteAcceptCommand(
configDir string,
noColor bool,
args []string,
) error {
exe := AcceptExecutor{
FlagSet: flag.NewFlagSet("accept", flag.ExitOnError),
printer: nil,
config: nil,
configDir: configDir,
accountName: internalFlag.NewStringSliceValue(),
exe.Usage = usage.ExecutorUsageFunc("accept", "Accepts a request (e.g. a follow request)", exe.FlagSet)
exe.Var(&exe.accountName, "account-name", "The name of the account")
exe.StringVar(&exe.resourceType, "type", "", "The type of resource you want to action on (e.g. account, status)")
// Parse the remaining arguments.
if err := exe.Parse(args); err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(accept) flag parsing error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
// Load the configuration from file.
exeConfig, err := config.NewConfigFromFile(exe.configDir)
if err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(accept) unable to load configuration: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
exe.config = exeConfig
// Create the printer for the executor.
exe.printer = printer.NewPrinter(
// Run the executor.
if err := exe.Execute(); err != nil {
exe.printer.PrintFailure("(accept) execution error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
return nil
// AddExecutor is the executor for the add command.
type AddExecutor struct {
printer *printer.Printer
config *config.Config
accountNames internalFlag.StringSliceValue
content string
listID string
statusID string
toResourceType string
resourceType string
votes internalFlag.IntSliceValue
configDir string
// ExecuteAddCommand initialises and runs the executor for the add command.
func ExecuteAddCommand(
configDir string,
noColor bool,
args []string,
) error {
exe := AddExecutor{
FlagSet: flag.NewFlagSet("add", flag.ExitOnError),
printer: nil,
config: nil,
configDir: configDir,
accountNames: internalFlag.NewStringSliceValue(),
votes: internalFlag.NewIntSliceValue(),
exe.Usage = usage.ExecutorUsageFunc("add", "Adds a resource to another resource", exe.FlagSet)
exe.Var(&exe.accountNames, "account-name", "The name of the account")
exe.StringVar(&exe.content, "content", "", "The content of the created resource")
exe.StringVar(&exe.listID, "list-id", "", "The ID of the list in question")
exe.StringVar(&exe.statusID, "status-id", "", "The ID of the status")
exe.StringVar(&exe.toResourceType, "to", "", "The resource type to action the target resource to (e.g. status)")
exe.StringVar(&exe.resourceType, "type", "", "The type of resource you want to action on (e.g. account, status)")
exe.Var(&exe.votes, "vote", "Add a vote to an option in a poll")
// Parse the remaining arguments.
if err := exe.Parse(args); err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(add) flag parsing error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
// Load the configuration from file.
exeConfig, err := config.NewConfigFromFile(exe.configDir)
if err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(add) unable to load configuration: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
exe.config = exeConfig
// Create the printer for the executor.
exe.printer = printer.NewPrinter(
// Run the executor.
if err := exe.Execute(); err != nil {
exe.printer.PrintFailure("(add) execution error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
return nil
// BlockExecutor is the executor for the block command.
type BlockExecutor struct {
printer *printer.Printer
config *config.Config
accountName internalFlag.StringSliceValue
resourceType string
configDir string
// ExecuteBlockCommand initialises and runs the executor for the block command.
func ExecuteBlockCommand(
configDir string,
noColor bool,
args []string,
) error {
exe := BlockExecutor{
FlagSet: flag.NewFlagSet("block", flag.ExitOnError),
printer: nil,
config: nil,
configDir: configDir,
accountName: internalFlag.NewStringSliceValue(),
exe.Usage = usage.ExecutorUsageFunc("block", "Blocks a resource (e.g. an account)", exe.FlagSet)
exe.Var(&exe.accountName, "account-name", "The name of the account")
exe.StringVar(&exe.resourceType, "type", "", "The type of resource you want to action on (e.g. account, status)")
// Parse the remaining arguments.
if err := exe.Parse(args); err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(block) flag parsing error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
// Load the configuration from file.
exeConfig, err := config.NewConfigFromFile(exe.configDir)
if err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(block) unable to load configuration: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
exe.config = exeConfig
// Create the printer for the executor.
exe.printer = printer.NewPrinter(
// Run the executor.
if err := exe.Execute(); err != nil {
exe.printer.PrintFailure("(block) execution error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
return nil
// CreateExecutor is the executor for the create command.
type CreateExecutor struct {
printer *printer.Printer
config *config.Config
addPoll bool
attachmentIDs internalFlag.StringSliceValue
content string
contentType string
federated bool
likeable bool
replyable bool
boostable bool
inReplyTo string
language string
listRepliesPolicy string
listTitle string
mediaDescriptions internalFlag.StringSliceValue
mediaFocusValues internalFlag.StringSliceValue
mediaFiles internalFlag.StringSliceValue
pollAllowsMultipleChoices bool
pollExpiresIn internalFlag.TimeDurationValue
pollHidesVoteCounts bool
pollOptions internalFlag.StringSliceValue
sensitive internalFlag.BoolPtrValue
summary string
resourceType string
visibility string
configDir string
// ExecuteCreateCommand initialises and runs the executor for the create command.
func ExecuteCreateCommand(
configDir string,
noColor bool,
args []string,
) error {
exe := CreateExecutor{
FlagSet: flag.NewFlagSet("create", flag.ExitOnError),
printer: nil,
config: nil,
configDir: configDir,
attachmentIDs: internalFlag.NewStringSliceValue(),
mediaDescriptions: internalFlag.NewStringSliceValue(),
mediaFocusValues: internalFlag.NewStringSliceValue(),
mediaFiles: internalFlag.NewStringSliceValue(),
pollExpiresIn: internalFlag.NewTimeDurationValue(),
pollOptions: internalFlag.NewStringSliceValue(),
sensitive: internalFlag.NewBoolPtrValue(),
exe.Usage = usage.ExecutorUsageFunc("create", "Creates a specific resource", exe.FlagSet)
exe.BoolVar(&exe.addPoll, "add-poll", false, "Set to true to add a poll when creating a status")
exe.Var(&exe.attachmentIDs, "attachment-id", "The ID of the media attachment")
exe.StringVar(&exe.content, "content", "", "The content of the created resource")
exe.StringVar(&exe.contentType, "content-type", "plain", "The type that the contents should be parsed from (valid values are plain and markdown)")
exe.BoolVar(&exe.federated, "enable-federation", true, "Set to true to federate the status beyond the local timelines")
exe.BoolVar(&exe.likeable, "enable-likes", true, "Set to true to allow the status to be liked (favourited)")
exe.BoolVar(&exe.replyable, "enable-replies", true, "Set to true to allow viewers to reply to the status")
exe.BoolVar(&exe.boostable, "enable-reposts", true, "Set to true to allow the status to be reposted (boosted) by others")
exe.StringVar(&exe.inReplyTo, "in-reply-to", "", "The ID of the status that you want to reply to")
exe.StringVar(&exe.language, "language", "", "The ISO 639 language code for this status")
exe.StringVar(&exe.listRepliesPolicy, "list-replies-policy", "list", "The replies policy of the list")
exe.StringVar(&exe.listTitle, "list-title", "", "The title of the list")
exe.Var(&exe.mediaDescriptions, "media-description", "The description of the media attachment which will be used as the alt-text")
exe.Var(&exe.mediaFocusValues, "media-focus", "The focus of the media file")
exe.Var(&exe.mediaFiles, "media-file", "The path to the media file")
exe.BoolVar(&exe.pollAllowsMultipleChoices, "poll-allows-multiple-choices", false, "Set to true to allow viewers to make multiple choices in the poll")
exe.Var(&exe.pollExpiresIn, "poll-expires-in", "The duration in which the poll is open for")
exe.BoolVar(&exe.pollHidesVoteCounts, "poll-hides-vote-counts", false, "Set to true to hide the vote count until the poll is closed")
exe.Var(&exe.pollOptions, "poll-option", "A poll option. Use this multiple times to set multiple options")
exe.Var(&exe.sensitive, "sensitive", "Set to true if the status should be marked as sensitive")
exe.StringVar(&exe.summary, "summary", "", "The summary of the status (a.k.a the subject, spoiler text or content warning)")
exe.StringVar(&exe.resourceType, "type", "", "The type of resource you want to action on (e.g. account, status)")
exe.StringVar(&exe.visibility, "visibility", "", "The visibility of the posted status")
// Parse the remaining arguments.
if err := exe.Parse(args); err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(create) flag parsing error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
// Load the configuration from file.
exeConfig, err := config.NewConfigFromFile(exe.configDir)
if err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(create) unable to load configuration: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
exe.config = exeConfig
// Create the printer for the executor.
exe.printer = printer.NewPrinter(
// Run the executor.
if err := exe.Execute(); err != nil {
exe.printer.PrintFailure("(create) execution error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
return nil
// DeleteExecutor is the executor for the delete command.
type DeleteExecutor struct {
printer *printer.Printer
config *config.Config
listID string
saveText bool
statusID string
resourceType string
configDir string
// ExecuteDeleteCommand initialises and runs the executor for the delete command.
func ExecuteDeleteCommand(
configDir string,
noColor bool,
args []string,
) error {
exe := DeleteExecutor{
FlagSet: flag.NewFlagSet("delete", flag.ExitOnError),
printer: nil,
config: nil,
configDir: configDir,
exe.Usage = usage.ExecutorUsageFunc("delete", "Deletes a specific resource", exe.FlagSet)
exe.StringVar(&exe.listID, "list-id", "", "The ID of the list in question")
exe.BoolVar(&exe.saveText, "save-text", false, "Set to true to save the text of the deleted status")
exe.StringVar(&exe.statusID, "status-id", "", "The ID of the status")
exe.StringVar(&exe.resourceType, "type", "", "The type of resource you want to action on (e.g. account, status)")
// Parse the remaining arguments.
if err := exe.Parse(args); err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(delete) flag parsing error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
// Load the configuration from file.
exeConfig, err := config.NewConfigFromFile(exe.configDir)
if err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(delete) unable to load configuration: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
exe.config = exeConfig
// Create the printer for the executor.
exe.printer = printer.NewPrinter(
// Run the executor.
if err := exe.Execute(); err != nil {
exe.printer.PrintFailure("(delete) execution error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
return nil
// EditExecutor is the executor for the edit command.
type EditExecutor struct {
printer *printer.Printer
config *config.Config
attachmentIDs internalFlag.StringSliceValue
listID string
listTitle string
listRepliesPolicy string
mediaDescriptions internalFlag.StringSliceValue
mediaFocusValues internalFlag.StringSliceValue
resourceType string
configDir string
// ExecuteEditCommand initialises and runs the executor for the edit command.
func ExecuteEditCommand(
configDir string,
noColor bool,
args []string,
) error {
exe := EditExecutor{
FlagSet: flag.NewFlagSet("edit", flag.ExitOnError),
printer: nil,
config: nil,
configDir: configDir,
attachmentIDs: internalFlag.NewStringSliceValue(),
mediaDescriptions: internalFlag.NewStringSliceValue(),
mediaFocusValues: internalFlag.NewStringSliceValue(),
exe.Usage = usage.ExecutorUsageFunc("edit", "Edit a specific resource", exe.FlagSet)
exe.Var(&exe.attachmentIDs, "attachment-id", "The ID of the media attachment")
exe.StringVar(&exe.listID, "list-id", "", "The ID of the list in question")
exe.StringVar(&exe.listTitle, "list-title", "", "The title of the list")
exe.StringVar(&exe.listRepliesPolicy, "list-replies-policy", "", "The replies policy of the list")
exe.Var(&exe.mediaDescriptions, "media-description", "The description of the media attachment which will be used as the alt-text")
exe.Var(&exe.mediaFocusValues, "media-focus", "The focus of the media file")
exe.StringVar(&exe.resourceType, "type", "", "The type of resource you want to action on (e.g. account, status)")
// Parse the remaining arguments.
if err := exe.Parse(args); err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(edit) flag parsing error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
// Load the configuration from file.
exeConfig, err := config.NewConfigFromFile(exe.configDir)
if err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(edit) unable to load configuration: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
exe.config = exeConfig
// Create the printer for the executor.
exe.printer = printer.NewPrinter(
// Run the executor.
if err := exe.Execute(); err != nil {
exe.printer.PrintFailure("(edit) execution error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
return nil
// FollowExecutor is the executor for the follow command.
type FollowExecutor struct {
printer *printer.Printer
config *config.Config
accountName internalFlag.StringSliceValue
notify bool
showReposts bool
resourceType string
configDir string
// ExecuteFollowCommand initialises and runs the executor for the follow command.
func ExecuteFollowCommand(
configDir string,
noColor bool,
args []string,
) error {
exe := FollowExecutor{
FlagSet: flag.NewFlagSet("follow", flag.ExitOnError),
printer: nil,
config: nil,
configDir: configDir,
accountName: internalFlag.NewStringSliceValue(),
exe.Usage = usage.ExecutorUsageFunc("follow", "Follow a resource (e.g. an account)", exe.FlagSet)
exe.Var(&exe.accountName, "account-name", "The name of the account")
exe.BoolVar(&exe.notify, "notify", false, "Get notifications from statuses from the account you want to follow")
exe.BoolVar(&exe.showReposts, "show-reposts", true, "Show reposts from the account you want to follow")
exe.StringVar(&exe.resourceType, "type", "", "The type of resource you want to action on (e.g. account, status)")
// Parse the remaining arguments.
if err := exe.Parse(args); err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(follow) flag parsing error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
// Load the configuration from file.
exeConfig, err := config.NewConfigFromFile(exe.configDir)
if err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(follow) unable to load configuration: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
exe.config = exeConfig
// Create the printer for the executor.
exe.printer = printer.NewPrinter(
// Run the executor.
if err := exe.Execute(); err != nil {
exe.printer.PrintFailure("(follow) execution error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
return nil
// InitExecutor is the executor for the init command.
type InitExecutor struct {
printer *printer.Printer
config *config.Config
configDir string
// ExecuteInitCommand initialises and runs the executor for the init command.
func ExecuteInitCommand(
configDir string,
noColor bool,
args []string,
) error {
exe := InitExecutor{
FlagSet: flag.NewFlagSet("init", flag.ExitOnError),
printer: nil,
config: nil,
configDir: configDir,
exe.Usage = usage.ExecutorUsageFunc("init", "Creates a new configuration file in the specified configuration directory", exe.FlagSet)
// Parse the remaining arguments.
if err := exe.Parse(args); err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(init) flag parsing error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
// Create the printer for the executor.
exe.printer = printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0)
// Run the executor.
if err := exe.Execute(); err != nil {
exe.printer.PrintFailure("(init) execution error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
return nil
// LoginExecutor is the executor for the login command.
type LoginExecutor struct {
printer *printer.Printer
config *config.Config
instance string
configDir string
// ExecuteLoginCommand initialises and runs the executor for the login command.
func ExecuteLoginCommand(
configDir string,
noColor bool,
args []string,
) error {
exe := LoginExecutor{
FlagSet: flag.NewFlagSet("login", flag.ExitOnError),
printer: nil,
config: nil,
configDir: configDir,
exe.Usage = usage.ExecutorUsageFunc("login", "Logs into an account on GoToSocial", exe.FlagSet)
exe.StringVar(&exe.instance, "instance", "", "The instance that you want to log into")
// Parse the remaining arguments.
if err := exe.Parse(args); err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(login) flag parsing error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
// Load the configuration from file.
exeConfig, err := config.NewConfigFromFile(exe.configDir)
if err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(login) unable to load configuration: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
exe.config = exeConfig
// Create the printer for the executor.
exe.printer = printer.NewPrinter(
// Run the executor.
if err := exe.Execute(); err != nil {
exe.printer.PrintFailure("(login) execution error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
return nil
// MuteExecutor is the executor for the mute command.
type MuteExecutor struct {
printer *printer.Printer
config *config.Config
accountName internalFlag.StringSliceValue
muteDuration internalFlag.TimeDurationValue
muteNotifications bool
statusID string
resourceType string
configDir string
// ExecuteMuteCommand initialises and runs the executor for the mute command.
func ExecuteMuteCommand(
configDir string,
noColor bool,
args []string,
) error {
exe := MuteExecutor{
FlagSet: flag.NewFlagSet("mute", flag.ExitOnError),
printer: nil,
config: nil,
configDir: configDir,
accountName: internalFlag.NewStringSliceValue(),
muteDuration: internalFlag.NewTimeDurationValue(),
exe.Usage = usage.ExecutorUsageFunc("mute", "Mutes a specific resource (e.g. an account)", exe.FlagSet)
exe.Var(&exe.accountName, "account-name", "The name of the account")
exe.Var(&exe.muteDuration, "mute-duration", "Specify how long the mute should last for. To mute indefinitely, set this to 0s")
exe.BoolVar(&exe.muteNotifications, "mute-notifications", false, "Set to true to mute notifications as well as posts")
exe.StringVar(&exe.statusID, "status-id", "", "The ID of the status")
exe.StringVar(&exe.resourceType, "type", "", "The type of resource you want to action on (e.g. account, status)")
// Parse the remaining arguments.
if err := exe.Parse(args); err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(mute) flag parsing error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
// Load the configuration from file.
exeConfig, err := config.NewConfigFromFile(exe.configDir)
if err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(mute) unable to load configuration: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
exe.config = exeConfig
// Create the printer for the executor.
exe.printer = printer.NewPrinter(
// Run the executor.
if err := exe.Execute(); err != nil {
exe.printer.PrintFailure("(mute) execution error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
return nil
// RejectExecutor is the executor for the reject command.
type RejectExecutor struct {
printer *printer.Printer
config *config.Config
accountName internalFlag.StringSliceValue
resourceType string
configDir string
// ExecuteRejectCommand initialises and runs the executor for the reject command.
func ExecuteRejectCommand(
configDir string,
noColor bool,
args []string,
) error {
exe := RejectExecutor{
FlagSet: flag.NewFlagSet("reject", flag.ExitOnError),
printer: nil,
config: nil,
configDir: configDir,
accountName: internalFlag.NewStringSliceValue(),
exe.Usage = usage.ExecutorUsageFunc("reject", "Rejects a request (e.g. a follow request)", exe.FlagSet)
exe.Var(&exe.accountName, "account-name", "The name of the account")
exe.StringVar(&exe.resourceType, "type", "", "The type of resource you want to action on (e.g. account, status)")
// Parse the remaining arguments.
if err := exe.Parse(args); err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(reject) flag parsing error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
// Load the configuration from file.
exeConfig, err := config.NewConfigFromFile(exe.configDir)
if err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(reject) unable to load configuration: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
exe.config = exeConfig
// Create the printer for the executor.
exe.printer = printer.NewPrinter(
// Run the executor.
if err := exe.Execute(); err != nil {
exe.printer.PrintFailure("(reject) execution error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
return nil
// RemoveExecutor is the executor for the remove command.
type RemoveExecutor struct {
printer *printer.Printer
config *config.Config
accountNames internalFlag.StringSliceValue
fromResourceType string
listID string
statusID string
resourceType string
configDir string
// ExecuteRemoveCommand initialises and runs the executor for the remove command.
func ExecuteRemoveCommand(
configDir string,
noColor bool,
args []string,
) error {
exe := RemoveExecutor{
FlagSet: flag.NewFlagSet("remove", flag.ExitOnError),
printer: nil,
config: nil,
configDir: configDir,
accountNames: internalFlag.NewStringSliceValue(),
exe.Usage = usage.ExecutorUsageFunc("remove", "Removes a resource from another resource", exe.FlagSet)
exe.Var(&exe.accountNames, "account-name", "The name of the account")
exe.StringVar(&exe.fromResourceType, "from", "", "The resource type to action the target resource from (e.g. status)")
exe.StringVar(&exe.listID, "list-id", "", "The ID of the list in question")
exe.StringVar(&exe.statusID, "status-id", "", "The ID of the status")
exe.StringVar(&exe.resourceType, "type", "", "The type of resource you want to action on (e.g. account, status)")
// Parse the remaining arguments.
if err := exe.Parse(args); err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(remove) flag parsing error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
// Load the configuration from file.
exeConfig, err := config.NewConfigFromFile(exe.configDir)
if err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(remove) unable to load configuration: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
exe.config = exeConfig
// Create the printer for the executor.
exe.printer = printer.NewPrinter(
// Run the executor.
if err := exe.Execute(); err != nil {
exe.printer.PrintFailure("(remove) execution error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
return nil
// ShowExecutor is the executor for the show command.
type ShowExecutor struct {
printer *printer.Printer
config *config.Config
accountName internalFlag.StringSliceValue
getAllImages bool
getAllVideos bool
attachmentIDs internalFlag.StringSliceValue
showInBrowser bool
excludeBoosts bool
excludeReplies bool
fromResourceType string
limit int
listID string
myAccount bool
onlyMedia bool
onlyPinned bool
onlyPublic bool
showUserPreferences bool
showStatuses bool
skipAccountRelationship bool
statusID string
timelineCategory string
tag string
resourceType string
configDir string
// ExecuteShowCommand initialises and runs the executor for the show command.
func ExecuteShowCommand(
configDir string,
noColor bool,
args []string,
) error {
exe := ShowExecutor{
FlagSet: flag.NewFlagSet("show", flag.ExitOnError),
printer: nil,
config: nil,
configDir: configDir,
accountName: internalFlag.NewStringSliceValue(),
attachmentIDs: internalFlag.NewStringSliceValue(),
exe.Usage = usage.ExecutorUsageFunc("show", "Shows details about a specified resource", exe.FlagSet)
exe.Var(&exe.accountName, "account-name", "The name of the account")
exe.BoolVar(&exe.getAllImages, "all-images", false, "Set to true to show all images from a status")
exe.BoolVar(&exe.getAllVideos, "all-videos", false, "Set to true to show all videos from a status")
exe.Var(&exe.attachmentIDs, "attachment-id", "The ID of the media attachment")
exe.BoolVar(&exe.showInBrowser, "browser", false, "Set to true to view in the your favourite browser")
exe.BoolVar(&exe.excludeBoosts, "exclude-boosts", false, "Set to true to exclude statuses that are boosts of another status")
exe.BoolVar(&exe.excludeReplies, "exclude-replies", false, "Set to true to exclude statuses that are a reply to another status")
exe.StringVar(&exe.fromResourceType, "from", "", "The resource type to action the target resource from (e.g. status)")
exe.IntVar(&exe.limit, "limit", 20, "Specify the limit of items to display")
exe.StringVar(&exe.listID, "list-id", "", "The ID of the list in question")
exe.BoolVar(&exe.myAccount, "my-account", false, "Set to true to specify your account")
exe.BoolVar(&exe.onlyMedia, "only-media", false, "Set to true to show only the statuses with media attachments")
exe.BoolVar(&exe.onlyPinned, "only-pinned", false, "Set to true to show only the account's pinned statuses")
exe.BoolVar(&exe.onlyPublic, "only-public", false, "Set to true to show only the account's public posts")
exe.BoolVar(&exe.showUserPreferences, "show-preferences", false, "Set to true to view your posting preferences when viewing your account information")
exe.BoolVar(&exe.showStatuses, "show-statuses", false, "Set to true to view the statuses created from the account you are viewing")
exe.BoolVar(&exe.skipAccountRelationship, "skip-relationship", false, "Set to true to skip showing your relationship to the account that you are viewing")
exe.StringVar(&exe.statusID, "status-id", "", "The ID of the status")
exe.StringVar(&exe.timelineCategory, "timeline-category", "home", "The timeline category")
exe.StringVar(&exe.tag, "tag", "", "The name of the tag")
exe.StringVar(&exe.resourceType, "type", "", "The type of resource you want to action on (e.g. account, status)")
// Parse the remaining arguments.
if err := exe.Parse(args); err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(show) flag parsing error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
// Load the configuration from file.
exeConfig, err := config.NewConfigFromFile(exe.configDir)
if err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(show) unable to load configuration: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
exe.config = exeConfig
// Create the printer for the executor.
exe.printer = printer.NewPrinter(
// Run the executor.
if err := exe.Execute(); err != nil {
exe.printer.PrintFailure("(show) execution error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
return nil
// SwitchExecutor is the executor for the switch command.
type SwitchExecutor struct {
printer *printer.Printer
config *config.Config
accountName internalFlag.StringSliceValue
to string
configDir string
// ExecuteSwitchCommand initialises and runs the executor for the switch command.
func ExecuteSwitchCommand(
configDir string,
noColor bool,
args []string,
) error {
exe := SwitchExecutor{
FlagSet: flag.NewFlagSet("switch", flag.ExitOnError),
printer: nil,
config: nil,
configDir: configDir,
accountName: internalFlag.NewStringSliceValue(),
exe.Usage = usage.ExecutorUsageFunc("switch", "Performs a switch operation (e.g. switching between logged in accounts)", exe.FlagSet)
exe.Var(&exe.accountName, "account-name", "The name of the account")
exe.StringVar(&exe.to, "to", "", "The resource type to action the target resource to (e.g. status)")
// Parse the remaining arguments.
if err := exe.Parse(args); err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(switch) flag parsing error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
// Load the configuration from file.
exeConfig, err := config.NewConfigFromFile(exe.configDir)
if err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(switch) unable to load configuration: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
exe.config = exeConfig
// Create the printer for the executor.
exe.printer = printer.NewPrinter(
// Run the executor.
if err := exe.Execute(); err != nil {
exe.printer.PrintFailure("(switch) execution error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
return nil
// UnblockExecutor is the executor for the unblock command.
type UnblockExecutor struct {
printer *printer.Printer
config *config.Config
accountName internalFlag.StringSliceValue
resourceType string
configDir string
// ExecuteUnblockCommand initialises and runs the executor for the unblock command.
func ExecuteUnblockCommand(
configDir string,
noColor bool,
args []string,
) error {
exe := UnblockExecutor{
FlagSet: flag.NewFlagSet("unblock", flag.ExitOnError),
printer: nil,
config: nil,
configDir: configDir,
accountName: internalFlag.NewStringSliceValue(),
exe.Usage = usage.ExecutorUsageFunc("unblock", "Unblocks a resource (e.g. an account)", exe.FlagSet)
exe.Var(&exe.accountName, "account-name", "The name of the account")
exe.StringVar(&exe.resourceType, "type", "", "The type of resource you want to action on (e.g. account, status)")
// Parse the remaining arguments.
if err := exe.Parse(args); err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(unblock) flag parsing error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
// Load the configuration from file.
exeConfig, err := config.NewConfigFromFile(exe.configDir)
if err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(unblock) unable to load configuration: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
exe.config = exeConfig
// Create the printer for the executor.
exe.printer = printer.NewPrinter(
// Run the executor.
if err := exe.Execute(); err != nil {
exe.printer.PrintFailure("(unblock) execution error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
return nil
// UnfollowExecutor is the executor for the unfollow command.
type UnfollowExecutor struct {
printer *printer.Printer
config *config.Config
accountName internalFlag.StringSliceValue
resourceType string
configDir string
// ExecuteUnfollowCommand initialises and runs the executor for the unfollow command.
func ExecuteUnfollowCommand(
configDir string,
noColor bool,
args []string,
) error {
exe := UnfollowExecutor{
FlagSet: flag.NewFlagSet("unfollow", flag.ExitOnError),
printer: nil,
config: nil,
configDir: configDir,
accountName: internalFlag.NewStringSliceValue(),
exe.Usage = usage.ExecutorUsageFunc("unfollow", "Unfollows a resource (e.g. an account)", exe.FlagSet)
exe.Var(&exe.accountName, "account-name", "The name of the account")
exe.StringVar(&exe.resourceType, "type", "", "The type of resource you want to action on (e.g. account, status)")
// Parse the remaining arguments.
if err := exe.Parse(args); err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(unfollow) flag parsing error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
// Load the configuration from file.
exeConfig, err := config.NewConfigFromFile(exe.configDir)
if err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(unfollow) unable to load configuration: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
exe.config = exeConfig
// Create the printer for the executor.
exe.printer = printer.NewPrinter(
// Run the executor.
if err := exe.Execute(); err != nil {
exe.printer.PrintFailure("(unfollow) execution error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
return nil
// UnmuteExecutor is the executor for the unmute command.
type UnmuteExecutor struct {
printer *printer.Printer
config *config.Config
accountName internalFlag.StringSliceValue
statusID string
resourceType string
configDir string
// ExecuteUnmuteCommand initialises and runs the executor for the unmute command.
func ExecuteUnmuteCommand(
configDir string,
noColor bool,
args []string,
) error {
exe := UnmuteExecutor{
FlagSet: flag.NewFlagSet("unmute", flag.ExitOnError),
printer: nil,
config: nil,
configDir: configDir,
accountName: internalFlag.NewStringSliceValue(),
exe.Usage = usage.ExecutorUsageFunc("unmute", "Umutes a specific resource (e.g. an account)", exe.FlagSet)
exe.Var(&exe.accountName, "account-name", "The name of the account")
exe.StringVar(&exe.statusID, "status-id", "", "The ID of the status")
exe.StringVar(&exe.resourceType, "type", "", "The type of resource you want to action on (e.g. account, status)")
// Parse the remaining arguments.
if err := exe.Parse(args); err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(unmute) flag parsing error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
// Load the configuration from file.
exeConfig, err := config.NewConfigFromFile(exe.configDir)
if err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(unmute) unable to load configuration: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
exe.config = exeConfig
// Create the printer for the executor.
exe.printer = printer.NewPrinter(
// Run the executor.
if err := exe.Execute(); err != nil {
exe.printer.PrintFailure("(unmute) execution error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
return nil
// VersionExecutor is the executor for the version command.
type VersionExecutor struct {
printer *printer.Printer
config *config.Config
full bool
configDir string
// ExecuteVersionCommand initialises and runs the executor for the version command.
func ExecuteVersionCommand(
configDir string,
noColor bool,
args []string,
) error {
exe := VersionExecutor{
FlagSet: flag.NewFlagSet("version", flag.ExitOnError),
printer: nil,
config: nil,
configDir: configDir,
exe.Usage = usage.ExecutorUsageFunc("version", "Prints the application's version and build information", exe.FlagSet)
exe.BoolVar(&exe.full, "full", false, "Set to true to print the build information in full")
// Parse the remaining arguments.
if err := exe.Parse(args); err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(version) flag parsing error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
// Create the printer for the executor.
exe.printer = printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0)
// Run the executor.
if err := exe.Execute(); err != nil {
exe.printer.PrintFailure("(version) execution error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
return nil
// WhoamiExecutor is the executor for the whoami command.
type WhoamiExecutor struct {
printer *printer.Printer
config *config.Config
configDir string
// ExecuteWhoamiCommand initialises and runs the executor for the whoami command.
func ExecuteWhoamiCommand(
configDir string,
noColor bool,
args []string,
) error {
exe := WhoamiExecutor{
FlagSet: flag.NewFlagSet("whoami", flag.ExitOnError),
printer: nil,
config: nil,
configDir: configDir,
exe.Usage = usage.ExecutorUsageFunc("whoami", "Prints the account that you are currently logged into", exe.FlagSet)
// Parse the remaining arguments.
if err := exe.Parse(args); err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(whoami) flag parsing error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
// Load the configuration from file.
exeConfig, err := config.NewConfigFromFile(exe.configDir)
if err != nil {
printer.NewPrinter(noColor, "", 0).PrintFailure("(whoami) unable to load configuration: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
exe.config = exeConfig
// Create the printer for the executor.
exe.printer = printer.NewPrinter(
// Run the executor.
if err := exe.Execute(); err != nil {
exe.printer.PrintFailure("(whoami) execution error: " + err.Error() + ".")
return err
return nil